Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-16 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Post #290 - Saturday, 16th July 2005

A très bien my darling readers! Emma here, and the air in Paris is thick with excitement as I sit on a sunny terrace, just outside a gorgeous Parisian patisserie. The scent of fresh pastries is swirling with the melody of a street performer playing a beautiful tune on his accordion.

Life, I can honestly say, doesn't get much sweeter than this.

It's been a whirlwind few days, but every single moment has been a pure dream come true. After all, this is Paris! The city that pulsates with elegance and joie de vivre. Where every corner bursts with beauty and romance. It's a place where even the cobbled streets feel like a runway!

Speaking of runways, did you see the fabulous outfit I whipped up for my journey to Paris? A delicate pale pink tutu, obviously, adorned with the most exquisite embroidered butterflies. The tulle danced around my legs as I pranced onto the Eurostar train, making a delightful rustling sound that caused even the stiffest of French businessmen to crack a smile.

This trip, as usual, was fuelled by the pure joy of performing. After a series of truly mesmerising shows in the Derbyshire countryside (where else could a pink-loving ballerina find her audience?), I had enough pennies saved for my big adventure! I mean, let's be honest, every ballerina dreams of dancing on the Parisian stage, and this girl wasn't going to miss out on her chance!

Arriving in Paris was truly magical. It was like stepping straight out of a fairytale, except with more fabulous street fashion. Of course, the first thing on my to-do list was finding the perfect pink-tutu-worthy café. Luckily, I stumbled across "Le Bonbon Rose," a quaint little café just across the Seine. Imagine my delight! It was pink everywhere! Walls, tablecloths, even the menu – all dipped in the most luscious shade of pink imaginable. They even served pink tea – imagine! My dreams have come true!

After a spot of afternoon tea (with the most delicious pastries, by the way – the croissant alone was worth the train journey!), it was time for some serious shopping. My trip wouldn’t be complete without filling my wardrobe with beautiful, romantic French treasures. After a good long browse around the very chic Marais district, my bag was brimming with Parisian treasures – oh my, it's an embarrassment of riches!

Then came the true highlight of the evening – the Opera Garnier. Just saying the name is enough to send shivers of excitement down my spine! The whole building is breathtakingly beautiful – intricate carvings, velvet curtains, and even a shimmering chandelier fit for a queen. This evening's performance was of "Swan Lake." Every pirouette, every jeté, sent a tingle of excitement right through me. As I watched the dancers weave their magic on the stage, I knew in my heart I was home – in Paris, at the ballet.

Now, onto my plans for tomorrow. It's a big one, my dears! I've snagged a front-row seat to a très special ballet show at the Theatre des Champs-Elysées, one of the most iconic theatre venues in Paris! I hear they're having a special performance featuring "Giselle." This is a real dream come true!

Speaking of dreams, my dear readers, do you ever wonder what it would be like to live your life wrapped in the magic of Paris? Imagine: cobbled streets leading to cobblestone cafés, the scent of lavender floating through the air, and beautiful buildings bathed in the soft golden glow of the evening sun. It truly is a place where every dream can come true. I just hope you can see why this girl fell head over heels for this magical city! I can't wait to share all my exciting Parisian adventures with you!

*Stay tuned, my dears, for the next post. Au revoir, for now! *

P.S. Don't forget to check out every Saturday for my latest Parisian adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-07-16 Exploring Paris