
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-03-25 Exploring Paris

Bonjour from Paris! (Post #326)

Oh, my darlings, I'm absolutely positively positively thrilled to be writing this post from the most magical city in the world ā€“ Paris! It's like stepping into a dream, every single corner filled with romance, laughter, andā€¦ wait for itā€¦ tutus! You heard that right, my little fashionistas! Even Paris, the epitome of chic, is falling in love with the delightful, twirling world of tutus. šŸ˜‰

This week, my Eurostar journey brought me here, a whirlwind of pink tulle and French pastries (more on that later!). It's amazing how quickly one can acclimatise to the Parisian air ā€“ already, I've traded in my trusty Derbyshire wellies for sleek stilettos, and my usual ā€œtea and biscuitsā€ for decadent croissants and coffee. Honestly, itā€™s so chic!

Speaking of chic, my Parisian escapade is perfectly timed to coincide with the absolute dream of a ballet event ā€“ the Ballet National de Marseille are performing Swan Lake at the Palais Garnier this weekend! Just picture it: a breathtaking setting, the timeless tale of love, betrayal, and of course, exquisite ballet! Iā€™m practically quivering with anticipation!

And before you even ask, yes, darling, I will be rocking a gorgeous pink tutu for the occasion! It's a vibrant fuchsia, with layers upon layers of shimmering tulle, and it's adorned with delicate satin roses. (I may have bought it especially for this tripā€¦ but whoā€™s counting?) You just wait and see, itā€™s going to be the absolute perfect contrast to the elegance of the Palais Garnier.

Now, before I lose myself completely in the swirling world of ballet, let's rewind a bit, shall we? The moment I stepped off the Eurostar, I was completely swept away by the charm of this city. It was love at first sight, like stepping onto the stage for a perfect pas de deux!

From the glistening glass windows of the Gare du Nord to the cobblestone streets of Montmartre, every detail whispers history and sophistication. Honestly, you can practically feel the artistry here!

My little pink suitcase (and by little, I mean filled with my absolutely essential pink tutu wardrobe ā€“ and of course, my darling ballet shoes!) made its way to my hotel in the chic Marais district. Oh my dear, this hotel! Imagine my delight when I opened the door and saw a plush pink room with a view of Notre Dame ā€“ complete with a grand four-poster bed and a little chaise longue perfect for afternoon reading (or maybe writing blog postsā€¦ a girl's gotta keep her schedule)!

Speaking of Parisian rituals, I immediately grabbed my trusty ā€œParis Guide for Tutu-Wearersā€ (don't judge! It's been incredibly useful!), and off I went for a delightful stroll through the Jardin des Plantes. This place is a wonderland for lovers of nature, and, wouldnā€™t you know it, there were even some peacocks showing off their dazzling plumage. Honestly, if it were a ballet, they wouldā€™ve been the prima ballerinas!

From the Jardin des Plantes, I hopped on the most charming horse-drawn carriage (can you imagine how delighted I was?) to discover the Left Bank, my Parisian heart already filled with its vibrant energy!

First stop was the Louvre. Honestly, my dear, I never tire of gazing at the masterpieces that fill those halls ā€“ Da Vinciā€™s Mona Lisa is almost like my old friend, and I always love how everyone looks at it, whether they want to admit it or not. Itā€™s definitely one of the must-seeā€™s! But trust me, a few minutes gazing upon the Venus de Milo, draped in the most exquisite draperiesā€¦ well, it just gave me all sorts of inspiration for new Tutu looks!

With the afternoon light beginning to shimmer, I made my way down to the Rue de Rivoli ā€“ itā€™s the perfect place for an afternoon of window shopping, or at least some light browsing! Trust me, a tutu-clad ballerina can't just not explore a city's fashion scene! šŸ˜‰

And thatā€™s just the tip of the iceberg, darling! But before you feel too jealous, you can expect a full report on the Parisian fashion scene, a delicious round-up of the very best Parisian cafes (oh, the hot chocolateā€¦), and, of course, a full review of the ballet, including a rundown of my Tutu-style choices!

Now, if you'll excuse me, my darling, it's time to practice some barre work and try on some outfits! I can practically feel the magic of Paris pulling me into its creative embrace, and who knows what Parisian adventure tomorrow will bring? I can only say this, darlings: hold on tight!

Oh, and if you ever find yourself strolling down the Seine with a cheeky little pink tutu onā€¦ it just might be me. You never know what surprises a ballet-loving adventurer like me will bring! šŸ˜‰

Until next Saturday, my dear,

Your ever-optimistic pink tutu-loving friend,

Emma xx


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-03-25 Exploring Paris