Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-04-29 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-04-29: Exploring Paris in a Pink Cloud!

Bonjour from the City of Lights, darlings!

This week's post comes to you live from Paris, a city that perfectly embodies Parisian chic! As you all know, my Saturday blog posts are a staple of my week, and what better place to start this month than the vibrant streets of the French capital? I can't help but be utterly smitten by this romantic city, and trust me, the pink tutu is firmly in place as I flit about, ready to embrace all the wonder this city offers.

This week's post marks #331 on my blog, and trust me, the number just keeps going up! You see, I've been travelling a lot lately, thanks to my love for ballet performances. Performing on stage gives me the funds to explore the world and bring you all along for the journey! So, pack your suitcases, grab your trusty pink tutus (pink, obviously!), and let's step onto the EuroStar, destination: Paris!

The EuroStar, My Favourite Mode of Transport

There's something about the thrill of riding the EuroStar that gets my heart pumping with excitement! Whizzing through the English countryside and arriving in the heart of Paris is just magical. Imagine, travelling with the elegance of a ballet dancer, without the choreographed routines (thankfully!), just enjoying the scenery and soaking up the anticipation for Parisian adventures. And let's be honest, no travel attire is more stylish than a pink tutu on a EuroStar. It turns heads and brightens the journey with a splash of pure whimsy.

First Glimpse of Parisian Beauty

Stepping onto Gare du Nord felt like a fairytale! The elegant architecture, the scent of croissants wafting from nearby bakeries, and the air itself seemed infused with romance. It was then I realised I needed to slow down, to soak in this captivating energy, because Paris isn't about rushing, it's about savouring every moment, and of course, every chic fashion opportunity!

Where Tutu Adventures Begin: The Louvre

Paris wouldn't be Paris without a visit to the Louvre, and today was the day for some cultural exploration in this masterpiece of architectural and artistic excellence. The Louvre, my darlings, is a labyrinth of art, a masterpiece waiting to be explored! And wouldn't you know it, there was a lovely little gallery devoted to fashion and its history. Talk about finding a pink-tutu lover's paradise! The gowns and dresses on display were simply divine, and I even spotted a few tutus - albeit from bygone eras!

The Eiffel Tower - An Iconic Moment in Pink

Speaking of iconic sights, no visit to Paris would be complete without witnessing the Eiffel Tower, that marvel of steel standing tall against the azure Parisian sky! The wind seemed to dance with me as I took in the stunning vista from its pinnacle, a true testament to French artistry and grandeur. Of course, my pink tutu made for some spectacular photos (it does that wherever I go!), the perfect splash of pink against the Parisian backdrop.

Dining Delights and Shopping Extravaganzas

After my Louvre adventures, I was craving some Parisian charm, and let me tell you, nothing beats strolling along the cobbled streets of the Marais district, a haven for quaint boutiques, delightful cafés, and endless photo opportunities. The cobblestones felt as if they were designed just for twirling in my tutu, and the café au lait was simply divine! It's an absolute must-do when in Paris. The aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee was truly divine, and let's not forget the chic little boutiques selling vintage treasures, a true fashion lover's haven. It was here that I snagged a new floral-print vintage jacket, a perfect addition to my ever-growing pink-tutu wardrobe.

* Ballet Magic: Exploring the Opéra Garnier*

To close out my day in Paris, I had to treat myself to a dose of theatrical magic at the stunning Opéra Garnier. This grand, historic building is an ode to elegance and opulence, and the perfect stage for a stunning ballet performance. Watching those talented dancers glide effortlessly across the stage was like watching dreams take flight. Seeing all that elegant movement on stage made me wish I could wear a pink tutu during a grand Parisian ballet performance!

Paris in Pink, My Parisian Dream

Paris, you truly captured my heart! The charm, the fashion, the food, and the art – it's all woven together into a tapestry of unforgettable experiences. And my trusty pink tutu was there for every moment, a symbol of the joy, beauty, and artistic spirit that radiates from this city. My darling, don't be afraid to let your inner ballerina shine! Embrace your femininity, find your Parisian pink moment, and remember: a pink tutu makes the world a prettier place! I'm so excited for next week's blog, I might even wear two tutus to the ballet, what do you think? See you next Saturday!

Yours in Pink,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-04-29 Exploring Paris