Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-07-15 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-07-15: Paris, Ooh La La! (Post #342)

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday and you know what that means! Time for another Pink Tutu adventure, this time straight from the heart of Paris! Oh la la, the city of love, fashion, and… you guessed it… tutus! 😉

I know you're probably all wondering how I managed to make it all the way to Paris, and the answer is simple - magic, of course! Or perhaps, the good old fashioned power of ballet! That's right, I danced my way through the latest show with my troupe back in Derbyshire, and poof, there I was on the Eurostar, speeding towards my Parisian dream! I love those journeys on the train. The anticipation builds as we cross the channel and there's something quite magical about rolling into Gare du Nord in the morning sunshine, all ready for the adventures to come!

Now, let's rewind a bit… what’s so special about Paris in the summer you ask? It’s just so effortlessly chic! It's like walking through a giant couture magazine with the smell of fresh croissants and flowers swirling in the air. And speaking of couture…

I couldn’t resist indulging in a little retail therapy on the Champs-Élysées, and what do you know… I stumbled across a pink tutu shop! It was like fate had orchestrated it, just for me! It was pure bliss, like a symphony for the senses – the soft silk, the colours bursting forth like a ballerina’s leap, and that iconic tutu silhouette that just screams Parisian elegance! Naturally, I picked out the perfect pink tulle creation - a masterpiece that whispered, "Parisienne" from head to toe.

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without experiencing the magic of the Moulin Rouge! Last night, I found myself utterly mesmerised by the incredible show, those red feathers, the sequins shimmering in the dim lighting… oh, the artistry! And even better, the gorgeous can-can dancers were giving me all sorts of twirling inspiration. Just imagining them prancing around in those tiny costumes filled me with so much inspiration - Paris truly does fuel the soul of a ballerina.

A Day of Culture

Today's plan? I'm soaking up all that Paris has to offer. First stop - The Louvre Museum! I just had to see the Mona Lisa, I mean, come on, what a piece of art! But you know me, I’m also here for those famous classical sculptures… they always spark my imagination, inspiring graceful movements that feel like I’m right there in the middle of a balletic performance! I'm just so grateful to have this chance to get a glimpse of these iconic masterpieces.

Speaking of inspiration, Paris just oozes with it! Everywhere I go, it’s as if every street, every cafe, every monument has been sculpted by the hand of creativity. And let's not forget those exquisite vintage shops filled with silk and velvet, antique jewelry sparkling with forgotten glamour, and, you guessed it… more tutus! Every turn I take offers something new and inspiring for my ballerina senses.

And the most wonderful thing about Paris? The food! From those delicious Parisian pastries with the perfect amount of fluffy, crumbly goodness, to the creamy Brie and crusty baguette... chefs kiss Paris just knows how to pamper its guests. And of course, it's the perfect fuel to keep those ballerina muscles happy.

Finding the Ballet Heart of Paris

This evening, I’m planning to catch a show at the beautiful Opéra Garnier. The thought of watching some of the best ballet dancers in the world is enough to make me twirl right now! I’m hoping I can spot some ballet inspiration for my own moves. You know, like a beautiful turn, or maybe some pointe work finesse. My aim is to soak up as much Parisian ballet culture as possible, especially since ballet performances have made my whole Paris journey possible! I have to make sure I keep pushing my dancing forward, to reach for those Parisian ballerina stars!

Time to Spread the Tutu Love

You all know I love seeing the world through my pink tutu. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to spot some locals, even in Paris, rocking tutus! They're proving that this fabulous fashion trend knows no geographical bounds! It's so uplifting to see how many people are embracing their inner ballerina! Paris has a very specific style all of its own and, even though the pink tutu is often associated with England and my blog, it fits perfectly into this stylish city.

Of course, this Parisian pink tutu story wouldn't be complete without a picture for you lovely people to enjoy. ( squeals with excitement) Just follow the #PinkTutuBlogParis link on You won't regret it!

So here's to you, my dearest Pink Tutu followers! I can’t wait to tell you all about my Parisian adventures next week. Keep your pink tutus close, and never forget the joy of a twirl!

See you next Saturday!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-07-15 Exploring Paris