Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-30 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 366: A Pink Tutu's Parisian Adventure!

Bonjour, my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, back with a brand new post from the City of Lights! Paris, darling, Paris! This week I've swapped the snowy peaks of Derbyshire for the charming cobbled streets and grand boulevards of this enchanting city.

Now, you might think a girl like me, with her head in the clouds (literally, thanks to the ballet shoes!), wouldn't have the best luck with public transport, but guess what? I managed to take the EuroStar to Paris without even a single "petit contretemps!" This speedy, elegant train whisked me away, just like a fairytale, and in the blink of an eye I found myself in the bustling heart of Paris, where every cobbled street feels like a stage for life.

Speaking of stages, how's this for a sneak peek? Today, December the 30th, the Opera Garnier is hosting a spectacular production of "The Nutcracker". You know me, always eager for a bit of classical ballet, so of course I snagged a ticket - in the dress circle, no less! A beautiful start to my Parisian escapade, don't you think?

But before I whisked myself away to the opera, I couldn't resist a little shopping therapy on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. The twinkling Christmas lights, the luxurious shop fronts, the air thick with festive excitement - it's utterly intoxicating. And what's a fashion-loving ballerina to do but try on a new pink tutu or two? (Just kidding! But I did have a browse through some rather lovely stores. Let's just say, there's a lot of pink in my Parisian wardrobe!)

Oh, and speaking of pink, there's this fabulous little bakery near my hotel with the most delicate, fluffy, rose-pink macarons! They are just so utterly adorable! And of course, being the good-natured soul I am, I shared them with a cute little boy who I met in a park. Turns out, he loved the ballet too, though he wasn't sure about pink tutus. Hmmm... I think I've found a mission for my time in Paris! Perhaps I can convert him? Or maybe, just maybe, I'll encourage a few other Parisians to try wearing pink.

You see, it's more than just a colour or a dance - it's a feeling. Pink, and all that it represents - the joy, the optimism, the fun - It's about spreading happiness. I know it sounds a bit silly, but don't you agree? And with that sentiment in mind, I'm setting out to see what Parisian wonders the new year brings. I've got my pink tutu, my camera, and a heart filled with love for all things beautiful. Stay tuned for more Paris adventures - coming soon!

Remember, darlings, if you've been dreaming of a pink tutu moment, it's never too late to chase it! Until next Saturday, au revoir!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-30 Exploring Paris