Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-01-27 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #370 – Bonjour, Paris! (and my first ever beret!)

Bonjour mes chéries!

It’s Saturday, which means it’s Pink Tutu Blog Paris day! Can you believe it’s been a whole week since I last dipped my toes into the enchanting streets of this fabulous city? It feels like a lifetime!

Anyway, I’m back this week with a very special blog post indeed – this is the one you've all been waiting for, my first ever trip to the City of Lights!

Honestly, this trip has been the stuff of dreams. Imagine a ballet-loving girl from Derbyshire (yes, you heard right!), flitting about in her pink tutu, exploring the city of romance, art, and endless croissants! And yes, my tutu came with me, tucked away safely in my suitcase – how else could I have made my Parisian debut?

Oh, I forgot to mention – I made a very important decision before I left – the time has come for a pink beret! Yes, you heard right – I finally embraced the Parisian style, and let me tell you, I’m in love! It looks amazing with my new rose-coloured coat, my floral print skirt, and of course, my trusty pink tutu!

A Whirlwind EuroStar Adventure

I arrived in Paris last Wednesday, having taken the most fabulous journey ever on the Eurostar – a ballet class by the window as the English countryside whizzed by – I’m pretty sure I did a little arabesque in my seat! Speaking of my pink tutu, I knew I couldn’t wear it on the train – it would have attracted too much attention. (Even for me!)

Of course, once I was at Gare du Nord, the real adventure began. It took just a few minutes for me to step out onto the Parisian pavement, and… BAM! My beret felt just right, and everything about Paris started to feel magical.

Exploring the Chicest Streets

This city really is something else! Every corner seems to whisper about romance, history, and endless fashion inspiration. I mean, you can't help but be inspired by the street style – chic Parisians strutting about in tailored coats and scarves, boots clicking on the pavement. Even the shop windows are a work of art, bursting with fabulous pieces.

The Moulin Rouge - Pure Magic

Of course, what trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the Moulin Rouge? As soon as I saw the famous windmill, my heart skipped a beat – the magic of it all! I was whisked away to another era with the fabulous dancers, stunning costumes, and breathtaking acrobatics. And you just can’t deny that Parisian energy – even I, in my pink tutu, felt the allure!

Ballet Dreams on a Parisian Stage

You already know how much I love ballet. So, it should come as no surprise that I booked tickets for a show at the Paris Opera! This performance was truly unforgettable – graceful movements, the stunning scenery, the exquisite costumes... Every minute was pure magic!

The Fashion Frenzy Begins

And let’s not forget about the shopping! As soon as I arrived, I set my sights on finding the perfect beret to complete my Paris ensemble. It was almost like destiny when I stumbled upon a shop overflowing with beautiful, feathered berets. I was captivated! There were berets of all shades and shapes, but it was the vibrant pink one that called out to me. I instantly knew it was the one, the perfect companion for my ballet-loving self. It's just as glamorous as it sounds!

Charming Parisian Delights

Honestly, this trip is full of the things that bring me joy: beautiful ballet performances, amazing shopping (I even got my new ballet shoes in Paris!), and an endless supply of delectable macarons!

Oh, and you’ll never guess what I found in one of the charming Parisian cafes! A little girl twirling around, in a – you guessed it – a pink tutu! It truly does seem as if the tutu magic has spread throughout the city.

I could go on for days about my Parisian adventures! From exploring the magical Louvre, where I took an enchanting photograph in front of the Mona Lisa, to losing myself in the cobbled streets of Montmartre. Paris is truly a feast for the senses and an inspiration for the soul.

Don’t forget – Next week, I'll be back with more Parisian updates, and maybe some delicious crepe recipes for you to try! In the meantime, stay fabulous and keep your tutus ready!

Bisous mes chéries, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-01-27 Exploring Paris