Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-05 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #384)

Saturday, 5th May, 2007

Well, darling readers, the time has finally come! I've touched down in Paris, the city that's synonymous with fashion, romance, and everything in between! And yes, I've brought my trusty pink tutu, naturally. It wouldn't be a #PinkTutuBlogParis adventure without a little bit of whimsical flair.

The journey here on the EuroStar was a dream! Honestly, nothing beats whizzing through the countryside, the world a blur of green fields and quaint villages, on your way to a glamorous destination. I'm such a sucker for anything romantic, and train journeys always feel so old-fashioned, elegant and wonderfully theatrical, don't you think?

As I sit in my little Parisian hotel room, surrounded by the gentle hum of the city outside, I feel like a character stepping out of a charming book. My balcony offers a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower - a truly magnificent structure and the symbol of Paris itself. It just goes to show you that there's no place like Paris, darling, and no place quite like it on a beautiful May morning.

I spent the morning indulging in the quintessential Parisian experience - a delightful stroll along the Seine! I couldn't resist popping into a charming little bookshop to browse some French literature (can you believe they even had a special section dedicated to ballet?). It wouldn't be a Paris visit without indulging in the most beautiful pastries at a local bakery, and I had to stop and watch some street performers; there's something quite captivating about artists sharing their talent with the world.

In the afternoon, I joined a local ballet class for a bit of a twirl and to connect with my fellow ballet lovers. This Parisian studio had such a welcoming atmosphere and a beautiful light that spilled in through the windows - a dancer's paradise! It made me realise how wonderful it is to share our passion with others and dance to the rhythm of music across the globe.

My evenings have been jam-packed with magical shows! Tonight, I saw a breathtaking performance at the Théâtre du Châtelet - it was the ballet I had been dreaming of seeing since I was a little girl! It was pure elegance and the artistry was absolutely incredible. It’s times like these that truly ignite my love for dance, and it always makes me grateful to be a part of this world.

Oh, and before I forget, my suitcase is packed with the perfect outfits for every occasion – from romantic date nights to a visit to the Musée Rodin, where I had a lovely afternoon appreciating all the art. Of course, I'm on the hunt for the most charming vintage pieces in Paris, and it’s been so exciting to shop around and find unique treasures that reflect my individual style. I’ve already snagged a beautiful pair of ruby red gloves and a pair of delicate earrings in a gorgeous lavender colour, perfectly paired with my tutu. I even managed to squeeze in a visit to one of the legendary Parisian fashion houses. The gowns were exquisite and, to my delight, their accessories collection had a few stunning pink tutus - maybe a future addition to my wardrobe? 😉

I feel so incredibly grateful to be able to experience this beautiful city with my beloved pink tutu by my side, thanks to the ballet performances I have had the honour to perform at. Each performance fuels my next adventure and brings me closer to my dream of inspiring others to embrace their own whimsical sides. You know, there's nothing quite like the thrill of being on stage, surrounded by your audience, with the music swelling up around you.

But you know what I love most about being a ballet dancer? It’s that every moment can be an inspiration. Sometimes I even take my ballet steps onto the streets! After all, it’s amazing to bring the grace and beauty of ballet to the everyday world and hopefully spread some joy and colour along the way.

Paris, with your breathtaking architecture, beautiful fashion and intoxicating romance, has been the perfect setting to spread the message of pink tutus, darling. So let’s all get those tutus out, spin a little, and show the world that we can be elegant, graceful, and expressive, no matter where life takes us. Until next week, darlings, from the heart of Paris!

Bisous! Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-05 Exploring Paris