Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-26 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 387: Bonjour from Paris, Mon Chéri! 🩰💕

Oh la la, mes chéries! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu-clad ballerina, and I'm bursting with excitement to tell you about my Paris adventure! The EuroStar whisked me away last week, and let me tell you, it's the perfect mode of transport - just imagine a ballet carriage with stunning views whizzing across the Channel! 🚄 Speaking of whizzing, I think my heart is still racing from all the wonder this city has offered so far.

This week, my pink tutu and I are living the dream - Paris in spring is simply magical! The air is buzzing with the sounds of laughter, the scent of croissants, and the colourful hues of blossom trees. And trust me, I'm not just talking about the flowers – the Parisians' chic style is positively blooming, too!

This post is my third from the City of Lights (I know, I'm totally addicted!). It’s my aim to visit every Parisian landmark with a twirl, explore all the delicious patisseries, and maybe even spot a ballet dancer (or three!) in my travels. Because, let's face it, ballet and Paris are just the perfect combination! 🩰🇫🇷

Saturday 26th May - Day 4 in Paris!

This Saturday morning, I woke up with the sunbeams dancing on my balcony (yes, I splurged on a hotel with a view – my tutu deserved it!). My day began with the most beautiful symphony of birdsong, and after a perfectly French breakfast of flaky croissants and a hot, milky chocolate, I set off to discover more of the city's secrets.

First stop, the Musée du Louvre! Let's just say my heart stopped the minute I laid eyes on the Louvre’s glass pyramid. It’s such a dazzling display of modern architecture set against the classic backdrop of the palace itself.

Once inside, I found myself utterly mesmerized by all the incredible works of art. Michelangelo's David was truly breathtaking – so much raw power and beauty in one statue! I spent a good chunk of the afternoon gazing at the iconic Mona Lisa. 👩‍🎨 Honestly, even I can’t resist a good stare at a mysterious smile.

But I couldn't spend the entire day admiring the art; there was too much to see! So after the museum, I headed over to the charming Marais district. Wandering through those cobblestone streets, it felt like stepping into a movie!

The Marais is filled with quirky shops, cute cafés, and charming little boutiques. I picked up a delicate scarf (it matches my new ballet shoes – lavender and pink!), some artisan macarons (chocolate and vanilla!), and a tiny, whimsical hand mirror that now sits proudly on my bedside table, catching the afternoon sunbeams.

As the evening settled in, I treated myself to a romantic dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Seine River. Honestly, I think I could eat Parisian bistro food for the rest of my life! I started with escargots (definitely more chewy than I expected!), and for my main course, I indulged in the most divine duck confit. To finish it all off, I couldn’t resist a creamy mousse au chocolat – it was simply heaven! 😋

Speaking of heaven, after dinner, I was lucky enough to snag a last-minute ticket to see "Le Corsaire" at the Palais Garnier! I mean, how often does a tutu-loving girl like myself get to see a ballet performed in one of the most spectacular theaters in the world? 🩰

Let's just say that the Garnier is as magical as you could possibly imagine. It was filled with such grandeur, from the soaring gilded ceilings to the opulent velvet seating, and I couldn't help but feel a little giddy with excitement.

I spent the entire performance entranced by the beauty of the dance and the elegance of the costumes. The lead dancer’s leaps were incredible – like she was flying across the stage, while the corps de ballet was so beautifully synchronized, it was like watching a single entity glide with effortless grace.

As the final curtain fell, the whole theatre erupted in thunderous applause, and even I found myself on my feet, applauding my heart out! This evening felt like the culmination of everything I'd ever loved about ballet, wrapped up in one unforgettable, glittering spectacle! 💫

So, mes chéries, what do I say? My pink tutu and I are positively smitten with Paris! Stay tuned for more exciting adventures in the City of Lights, coming right up next week on!

Until then, twirl on!

Bisous! 💕


P.S. For all you lovely ladies back home in Derbyshire, I know you’ve been eagerly awaiting my Parisian outfit haul! Don’t worry, I'll share it all with you next week – complete with my top picks from the Marais! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-26 Exploring Paris