Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-19 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-19 Exploring Paris: A Ballerina's Dream Come True!

Bonjour mes chérie!

Welcome back to #PinkTutuBlogParis, where the Eiffel Tower glitters like a giant sequined tiara and the air is infused with the magic of tutus! This is post number 386 from your favourite pink-obsessed ballerina, bringing you all the latest Parisian delights. It's a balmy Saturday, perfect for frolicking through the streets and taking in all the sights. The city is positively buzzing with life, just like my heart as I set out on today's adventure.

You've already heard about my love affair with Paris – the croissants, the café culture, the cobblestone streets, and of course, the fashion. This week, however, it's a ballet-themed whirlwind. My schedule is jam-packed, and it's all thanks to my darling derbyshire dance troupe - they know how much I adore performing, so they've been incredibly supportive, making sure I have a constant stream of gigs, allowing me to fund these magical trips. After all, who needs a trust fund when you have a talent for spinning?

Last Sunday, I took a EuroStar down to Paris, feeling positively regal as I sped past the countryside, leaving the worries of England behind. It felt like a magical escape straight from a fairytale. Imagine: a plush carriage, champagne in hand, and a view of rolling green fields dotted with adorable villages... a girl could get used to this!

Landing in Gare du Nord was an explosion of energy. Paris greeted me with a friendly chorus of chatter, bustling vendors, and the distinct aroma of freshly baked baguettes – oh, the joy! I swiftly boarded the metro (the French Tube!) and navigated my way to my hôtel near Gare de Lyon.

And now, to the pièce de résistance of this Parisian ballet trip... Today I’m attending the legendary Paris Opera Ballet. My heart is leaping faster than a pirouette in a tutu. It's going to be breathtaking! Imagine, dancing on a stage bathed in shimmering lights, with the music of the orchestra washing over you... it's what dreams are made of.

Before I get ready to hit the Opera Garnierswoon, I must tell you all about my shopping escapades! Yesterday, I spent a whole afternoon at Printemps – the perfect spot for those who dream in pastel pink and frothy tulle. It felt like entering a giant candy shop, filled with shimmering dresses, playful bags, and accessories fit for a ballerina queen.

Of course, I didn't leave without a little treat for myself. How could I? A stunning pink floral print silk scarf, designed to add a touch of Pink Tutu flair to every outfit, perfectly matching my blush-pink cashmere cardigan. This ensemble will be making several appearances throughout my Paris journey, you can bet! I also managed to score a pair of elegant ballerina pumps, a delicate lace headband, and even a fluffy pink feather boa to add some drama to my evening wear.

But the best part of the day was wandering the bustling streets, a hot cup of café au lait in hand, the warmth of the sun on my face. The Île de la Cité, with its medieval architecture, cobblestone lanes, and street musicians, is just a dreamy escape, straight out of a fairy tale! The air is alive with a buzz of energy, the laughter of tourists and the cheerful greetings of Parisians blending into an irresistible symphony of life.

And, let's not forget, the fashion! Walking the streets of Paris is an endless runway show. I've been spotting tres chic ensembles on every corner – from elegantly tailored suits to flowy dresses and, of course, my absolute favourite: women strutting in bold, colourful tutus, adding a sprinkle of ballet magic to the Parisian scene.

Speaking of bold and colourful, my Parisian pink tutu will be making its grand debut tomorrow! I have a lovely lunch meeting planned with a group of fellow tutu-wearing fashion enthusiasts. We're going to be brainstorming ways to spread the Pink Tutu Movement across the globe.

And who knows? Maybe I’ll even spot a cute French guy with an affinity for pink and tutus... wouldn't that be divine?

Until next week, darling readers! Remember, stay fabulous, stay fun and most importantly, stay pink!

Yours always,


P.S I will be updating my Instagram account regularly! Come join the conversation, share your thoughts, and follow my Parisian ballet adventures at @PinkTutuBlogParis.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-05-19 Exploring Paris