Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-06-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - #392

Saturday 30th June, 2007

Bonjour, mes amies! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog!

It's Paris again this week! The city that makes my heart sing with its beauty, its history, its culture…and its fantastic shopping! And how else to arrive in the City of Lights, darling, than by the fabulous Eurostar? I love travelling by train; all the sleek carriages, the smooth glide across the track… it’s so chic, so elegant.

I know what you’re thinking – how do I afford all this travel, all these tutus? It’s a good question, darlings! Well, I fund my wanderings by performing, both with my dance troupe and in smaller ballet and theatrical events. There's nothing like performing to fund your pink-tutu-filled dream, plus it’s great exercise, you know? (Even if it does sometimes mean a bit of a 'hammy' twinge after a particularly energetic 'leap and a twirl').

This trip to Paris, as you all know, is all about the dance – there's an incredible season of ballet happening at the Paris Opera and I’ve managed to snag tickets to see 'Giselle' – the epitome of romantic ballet. It’s a classic that simply cannot be missed. Oh! I’ve also secured seats to see 'Swan Lake' – what a magical production, right? This will be such a wonderful treat and a chance to witness some spectacular dance moves! I mean, ballet really does take us on such a journey - every show, every performance, is pure enchantment!

Oh! And did I mention I'm going to see the amazing Cirque du Soleil ‘Alegría’? Their costumes are so beautifully crafted – I adore those dazzling sequined and beaded outfits!

And how about my fashion plans, you ask? Well, Paris is fashion heaven! There are so many glorious shops and designers to explore, and a delightful little artisan bakery called ‘The Pink Flamingo’ (yes, they are serious about their pink) which is quite near my favourite hotel. I just love French design, the styles, the textures… the Parisian air just adds an extra dash of elegance, don’t you think? I’ll be sure to snap some pictures of my finds to show you all, my lovelies, so watch this space!

Of course, there's always time to have a bit of fun – maybe a jaunt on a horse-drawn carriage around the Tuileries Gardens, or a relaxing 'croque monsieur' picnic by the Seine as I enjoy the breathtaking views and admire the historical architecture. What more could a ballerina ask for, right?

It truly is a special day here today. In honour of Paris, I shall be wearing a magnificent new tutu, handmade especially for this trip! The tulle is layers and layers of shimmering pink, and there's a whole bevy of gorgeous flowers and sparkly embroidery! If the weather’s good, I’ll be wearing it for my stroll to the Champs-Élysées where I’ll do my famous 'tutu twirl' - my favourite little ritual! It’s the perfect way to spread the pink love in this most beautiful of cities!

You can't possibly imagine how delighted I am to be in Paris again! This time, I’m trying something new: I'm planning on incorporating the colour blue into my tutu wardrobe. Imagine a shimmering, elegant shade of sky blue, almost like a cerulean sky - so delicate and enchanting! I’ve ordered a new, gorgeous tutu in this unique colour for my 'Giselle' evening – I just love stepping outside of my pink comfort zone from time to time!

Speaking of stepping outside of my comfort zone, have I told you about my plans to open a Pink Tutu Café in Derbyshire? Yes! That’s right, a gorgeous little cafe, with pink walls, tutu-themed cocktails (think a ‘Pink Tutu Martini’) and a 'pink-themed’ ballet lesson every afternoon!

It's time to wrap up this week's post. Paris truly is an extraordinary place, a city of pure beauty, charm and delight. And remember, wear a pink tutu with confidence! I believe that wearing pink is all about confidence, it’s about expressing your inner sparkle! It’s a colour that's daring, but it's also very feminine! Remember - it's never too late to put on a pink tutu and dance!

Stay tuned for next week's blog, where I'll be sharing pictures of my shopping finds, and giving a little review of 'Giselle'!

Until then, happy dancing and lots of love!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-06-30 Exploring Paris