Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-11-17 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 412 - Saturday, 17th November, 2007: Ooh la la, Paris!

Bonjour mes chers amis! Emma here, back from the magical world of the stage to the equally enchanting streets of Paris! The Eurostar was my trusty steed this week, and oh my goodness, does it feel good to be back in the City of Lights!

As I typed this up on the train, I felt the thrill of anticipation mounting like a crescendo in a grand ballet finale. My heart danced a merry jig – I was going to Paris, for goodness sake! Paris, the capital of fashion, the birthplace of romanticism, the home of delicious pastries and buttery croissants. Who could resist? Certainly not this tutu-clad girl!

But why Paris, you ask? Well, besides the fact that Paris just makes me happy, this weekend happens to be the opening night of a ballet performance that’s just as pink and twirly as my own life. Ballet by the Seine – a performance by the French National Ballet that promises a dazzling display of graceful movement and dramatic stories. Honestly, I can’t wait to lose myself in the magic of the stage and get swept away by the choreography, the costumes, and the incredible energy of these dancers. It’s almost as magical as wearing my very own pink tutu – nearly!

Paris also happens to be the ideal location to unleash my inner fashionista. I’m thinking suede boots, vintage beret, and my newest blush pink tulle skirt. Ooh la la, how very Parisian! It’s like I've stepped right out of a Monet painting, with a dash of modern pink sprinkled in for good measure. I’m even considering trying on a classic Parisian striped top for an extra dash of sophistication – imagine, striped top, pink tutu, beret… My fashion sense has a very specific rhythm, I know, but that's the joy of it! I have a vision, a vibe – I just want everyone to embrace the pink tutu with as much gusto as I do!

My arrival at Gare du Nord was, as expected, utterly dreamy. A charming little bistro right opposite the station provided the perfect introduction to Paris. A buttery croissant and a steaming cup of café au lait later, and I felt perfectly at home. Then, the exploration commenced! The cobblestone streets of Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower glistening in the afternoon light, the charm of the Tuileries Gardens - it was a feast for the eyes and a feast for the soul.

Paris, with its effortless grace and elegance, seems to echo the very essence of a ballet. Everywhere I turn, I feel inspired. The charming street performers, the lively markets brimming with fresh flowers, even the pigeons with their dapper, iridescent feathers – it’s like a backstage peek into a grand ballet, except with the stage replaced by the City of Lights.

Tonight, after an afternoon spent shopping for silk scarves (pink, obviously!), I’m off to enjoy a delightful Parisian dinner at a charming restaurant I found on a whim. Followed by a visit to the Grand Palais, where the ballet performance takes place tonight – the culmination of this beautiful Parisian adventure! I'll be sharing my experience, in detail of course, next week.

Remember to subscribe to my blog,, to keep up with my Parisian adventures! Who knows what adventures await? Maybe I’ll try on a new tutu in one of Paris’ famous shops, maybe I'll learn a few French ballet moves, maybe I'll even find a cute café serving pink tea!

Until next week, au revoir and remember, even in the City of Lights, a touch of pink makes everything just a little bit brighter!

Xoxo, Emma

PinkTutuBlogParis #Paris #Ballet #Travel #Fashion

[Image Gallery]

Here's a sneak peek into my Paris adventures. Click on the links below to view more!

  1. The Eurostar Journey: My favourite mode of transportation! Click to see a selfie with the most comfortable seat ever! [Link to image]
  2. Breakfast at a Parisian Bistro: That perfect croissant, ah! The little cafes are like miniature stages, all on their own! [Link to image]
  3. Monmartre magic: Street artists and a breathtaking view of Paris! So enchanting, it almost made me forget to twirl! [Link to image]
  4. Fashion in Paris: The city is full of gorgeous stores! Stay tuned next week to see what I found! [Link to image]
  5. Pink scarf from the markets: It was a perfect afternoon wandering around the markets, sniffing roses, and picking out my perfect scarf! Click to see it! [Link to image]

[Weekly Quote]

“The dancer is the last remaining embodiment of our passion to fly. But she cannot soar on wings alone.”
- Martha Graham

I believe dancing, like life, is about reaching for your dreams and embracing every twist and turn, however challenging. A pink tutu? Why not! Let your inner spirit shine!



I’m excited to share more of my Paris experiences in the coming week. This adventure has been a wonderful combination of fashion, ballet, and simply soaking in the magic of a place that’s both classic and constantly evolving. But above all, it's about the spirit of dance and its ability to inspire and transport us.

Remember, everyone can be a ballerina, no matter what you wear or what stage you perform on. So, go ahead, find your pink tutu and twirl into the world!



Oh, and remember to subscribe to for more blog posts and all my latest news!

Have a beautiful week!


PinkTutuBlogParis #Paris #Ballet #Travel #Fashion

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-11-17 Exploring Paris