Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-07-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris Post #448: Bonjour, mon chérie!

Well hello darlings! It's Saturday, which means a fresh Paris blog post for you all! This week's escapade was a whirl of tulle and train journeys, taking me to the City of Lights in a burst of Parisian pink. And let me tell you, the Eiffel Tower doesn't look half as grand as a tutu under the Arc de Triomphe!

As you know, my aim is to get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu. It's a grand vision, I know, but one I wholeheartedly believe in! And what better place to inspire than Paris, where fashion is an art form and dreams are made of silk and sequins?

My journey started at St. Pancras Station in London, a haven of sleek modernity, just perfect for my trusty travel companion - my pink sparkly suitcase (of course!). Boarding the Eurostar was like stepping onto a stage set for a musical, with sleek interiors, chic commuters and just a hint of Parisian air already swirling around us. This time, instead of settling down with a good book, I whipped out my iPad and indulged in some real Parisian prep. My favourite Instagram fashion bloggers were providing a delicious visual feast of the latest Parisian trends.

Let's just say, by the time the Eurostar had trundled into the Gare du Nord in Paris, I was a whirlwind of pink tulle, floral patterns, and all things feminine. Just the kind of vision I needed to tackle the city with gusto!

My first port of call was, of course, the legendary Champs-ÉlysĂ©es! It was all champagne bubbles and a glittering tableau of luxury shops. You couldn’t move for stylish ladies and gentlemen parading their latest haute couture ensembles, a beautiful backdrop to my tulle extravaganza. But I resisted the siren song of those designer handbags and stilettos (for now!) and headed straight for the quintessential Parisian experience – a delicious croissant, consumed whilst watching the world go by from a chic bistro. (I opted for a delicate pink one, of course!).

Next, my tutued feet carried me towards the Eiffel Tower, a stunning masterpiece against the Paris sky. And the crowd of tourists didn’t deter me from performing a twirl or two for photos. Honestly, darling, my tutu truly made the Parisian view even more fabulous. It’s a simple fact: tutus just enhance every experience, like a sprinkle of magic!

The rest of the day unfolded with a ballet-inspired whirl:

  • A delightful ballet class at the prestigious École de Danse de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris, where even I, a seasoned Derbyshire dancer, found myself in awe of the talented young ballerinas. Their dedication and passion were inspiring.

  • An exquisite evening at the OpĂ©ra Garnier for a captivating ballet performance. The intricate sets and stunning costumes left me breathless. And I was so delighted to spot several attendees, young and old, sporting pink tutus of their own! My mission was working its magic, right under the opulent chandeliers of the OpĂ©ra!

The highlight, however, had to be a chance encounter at a chic cafe overlooking the Seine. As I was lost in my Parisian dreams and sketching ideas for my next tutu collection (a ‘Belle Époque’ themed one, maybe?) a woman with striking red hair stopped to admire my outfit. We struck up a conversation about life, the universe, and the art of pink tutus. And by the time our coffees were finished, we were planning a Parisian picnic and a visit to the Palais Garnier in our pink tutus, complete with a whimsical dance performance on the steps of the palace.

I am already planning my next trip, but I promise to give you a full update of the “Pink Tutu Parisian Picnic & Palais Garnier Performance” in a future blog post! But I'll leave you with this thought for now - just like the beauty of a Paris afternoon, pink tutus truly make life brighter!

Till next week, darling, keep twirling and keep smiling!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-07-26 Exploring Paris