Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-12-27 Exploring Paris

Paris, mon amour! Post #470 - Saturday 2008-12-27

Bonjour mes chĂšres lectrices!

It’s Saturday, and you know what that means
 a brand new post from your favourite pink-tutu clad, Parisian-wandering ballerina, Emma! This week, we’re taking a little trip down the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es, diving into the glittering heart of the City of Lights, all the way from my little corner of Derbyshire!

Yes, darlings, you’re reading that right - Derbyshire! Remember me telling you about that rather lovely theatre performance I did to raise funds for my next big adventure? Well, it was a roaring success! I performed a triple pirouette worthy of a standing ovation (and an impressive pile of donations!) The audience was utterly enthralled – they even cheered when I did a perfect Grand JetĂ©, landing so softly. And let’s not forget the encore - a beautiful, shimmering rendition of ‘The Dying Swan’ - sans feathers of course, wouldn’t want to be a fashion faux pas! But, anyway, all that’s history now! I'm ready to get my Parisian fashion fix and, most importantly, indulge my obsession with all things pink tutu, while you lot, my loyal readers, join me on this dazzling journey!

This time, it was the Eurostar for me. My dear friend (and occasional dancer), Chloe, has become something of a pro on this route, and she told me to pack my fluffiest pink tutu, a bottle of champagne (not for the journey, but for a later rendezvous), and her secret "travel with confidence" lipstick. Now, I know you're probably thinking "Ooh, exciting! Lipstick secrets!" but it's a long story and has no place in this blog (it does involve an incredibly long, hot, slightly spicy "curry incident" - no names mentioned). All I can say is, she’s right! You never know what adventures might happen, do you?

I’m writing to you from the balcony of my charming hotel, the Moulin Rouge is just across the road and I can actually hear the twinkling music, a blend of gypsy melodies and jazzy brass, drifting up to me - just as it did in the days of Toulouse Lautrec. (Maybe that's where Chloe’s secret lipstick wisdom comes from
!) But let me take a breath, grab a cuppa, and let’s have a real Parisian adventure!

The air buzzes with excitement. Today is December 27th, 2008 – still the spirit of Christmas lingers! The festive lights are twinkling on the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es, transforming the famous avenue into a kaleidoscope of colour. And don't even get me started on the shop windows - absolute eye candy! Everything is so perfectly decorated – sparkly red bows, dazzling snowmen and enough golden glitter to dazzle the Eiffel Tower!

First stop: a grand cafĂ©, for some hot chocolate and observation! It's funny how Parisian cafĂ© culture takes over when you're here. The aroma of coffee, the clinking of spoons, the murmur of chatter – it's all part of the spectacle. People watch with abandon – I'm fascinated by the stylish ladies and dapper gents, taking in every nuance, from their Parisian scarves and berets to their exquisitely manicured nails (don’t even think of suggesting I wear black nail polish!).

I must say, Chloe’s "travel with confidence" lipstick (let’s call it "confidence in a tube" shall we, without disclosing its true nature!) is definitely doing its job. The scent itself is quite divine, a concoction of raspberry, bergamot and
dare I say it, champagne! And after just one swipe, the vibrant, rich crimson shade lifts my spirits immeasurably - almost enough to distract from the disappointment of discovering there are no pink tutus on sale in the boutique next door. My pink tutu-hunting odyssey continues, my dears!

We continue our stroll down the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es, a sea of Christmas shoppers, all radiating joy and laughter. The air smells of fresh bread and pastries, mingled with the heady aroma of "French Toast". You just know that a “French Toast" in Paris has to be a whole different experience, so that's what’s next on the agenda.

Our “French Toast” rendezvous is in the courtyard of a delightful little bistro, tucked away in a corner of the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es. The little Parisian terrace feels utterly enchanting, adorned with twinkling fairy lights that reflect on the crisp, frosted leaves. There’s something about a Parisian winter that feels so wonderfully romantic, wouldn't you say?

Speaking of romance
 and the winter months
 It’s actually that time of year again
 you know the time! It’s almost the time to head to the theatre for the iconic spectacle – the Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra Garnier. (Oh, don’t look so surprised! This Parisian ballerina knows how to plan her trip around her absolute favourites – it’s all about the art!)

Now, before we launch into this breathtaking journey into the Parisian Ballet scene (where else?), I must admit, there’s been a bit of a “shopping incident” which could, dare I say it, be slightly more scandalous than “the curry incident” – Chloe keeps telling me not to tell this story

Okay, okay, here’s the skinny - a whole bunch of pink fluffy, satin and sequined goodness later
 we are both clutching our prized trophies - and we mean “prized trophies!” These were definitely not a case of “I don’t really need this” 
 what else am I supposed to wear at the Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra Garnier, for heaven's sake! We need them – for the 'gram! (Well, Chloe convinced me I “needed” them for the 'gram! I’ll just blame Chloe!)

Now, Chloe knows the best places to score some fashion-forward ballet outfits. We were in a little Parisian haven, tucked away down a side street, called Atelier Belle Danse, I just couldn’t believe my eyes! There were exquisite gowns and leotards galore, from vibrant pink to shimmering blue - Chloe says it’s like a “ballet princess’s dream!” The fitting rooms are positively heavenly, with giant mirrors, and little spotlights, just like they use on the theatre stage! We almost cried tears of joy. We even snagged some lovely matching ballerina flat shoes – the sort that twinkle and make a little noise when you dance - utterly perfect for this trip. Oh my, they have to be some of the best footwear acquisitions I have ever made!

Right, back to the Opera Ballet – it’s a symphony of artistic wonder. There’s nothing more exhilarating than the grand theatre entrance. The air hums with an unspoken sense of awe as we’re met with the awe-inspiring staircase, its grand staircase, a swirling vortex of history, theatre, and grace, all beautifully presented before us.

I love the air of anticipation that surrounds the Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra Garnier – it’s like we’re stepping back in time to a world of classical grace and pure ballet magic. I took Chloe's suggestion of doing a ‘round-the-stage tour’, we’ve spent hours admiring the beautifully decorated auditorium, with its plush red seats, chandeliers that sparkle like stars, and dramatic paintings on the ceiling, bringing the stories of Greek Mythology to life.

Every single detail seems to be meticulously crafted with panache (that word just feels so elegant when spoken!). Every curve, every turn, is a testament to Parisian charm!

It’s no surprise the whole Parisian Ballet experience feels rather
 heavenly! To think, you’re surrounded by exquisite performances from dancers whose poise and athleticism seems utterly unreal. I’m completely engrossed by every detail – the costumes, the intricate set designs, even the intricate makeup! You get lost in the enchanting ballet world.

For tonight, we’re in for a special treat: The Nutcracker. The beautiful music is truly captivating, the dancing is just exquisite, and every element – even the simple story - is told with such sensitivity and grace. From the grand, swirling movements to the sweet, graceful ballerina leaps, I'm completely mesmerised by the beauty of every pirouette! It's ballet like you've never experienced before.

This little ballerina had the best night – but alas, I had to tear myself away, with promises to be back for more next time! Chloe’s lipstick worked its magic on us all.

Our weekend is nearly at an end, but there’s still time for one final hurrah. Before I hop back on the Eurostar to my corner of Derbyshire, it’s only right that we savour one last cuppa (with extra whipped cream this time!), right? And then I can share my most cherished travel tips!

I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into my Parisian adventures!

A bientot,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-12-27 Exploring Paris