Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-01-03 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 471: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the most magical city on Earth - Paris! You know me, always chasing my dreams, and this time it involved a fabulous train journey, a sprinkle of pink tulle, and enough Parisian chic to fill a million fashion blogs!

I'm not going to lie, I was absolutely giddy with excitement about this trip. After all, the Eiffel Tower is practically a ballerina’s dream, and what’s more glamorous than a ballet-filled Parisian adventure? I’d been yearning for this adventure for months, and you know, dreaming big always makes the journey so much sweeter.

But let’s backtrack a little, shall we? It all started in Derbyshire, my humble but beautiful hometown, where I bid farewell to my ballet slippers, packed my cutest pink suitcase, and hopped aboard the EuroStar, my chariot of dreams, taking me directly to the heart of Paris!

The EuroStar journey, as always, was an experience in itself. There's something truly magical about being whisked away at incredible speeds, gliding through landscapes in a symphony of whirring wheels and muffled whispers. I felt like a princess on her way to a royal ball, even if I was in a pink tutu.

Paris greeted me with open arms, the air alive with the soft whispers of French conversation and the gentle hum of street performers. The first thing that struck me was the atmosphere: an exhilarating mix of old-world charm and contemporary vibrancy.

We’re going to be celebrating the beginning of a brand new year!

And let me tell you, my dear readers, this year is off to an absolutely sparkling start!

First things first, the Eiffel Tower! The sight of its majestic iron frame towering over the cityscape stole my breath away. This architectural masterpiece is a timeless symbol of love, and as I stood beneath its grandeur, gazing at the twinkling lights of Paris spread out beneath me, it was hard not to feel the most romantic kind of magic.

Now, my trip wouldn't have been complete without indulging in some seriously chic shopping. From the elegant boutiques lining the Champs-Élysées to the quaint vintage shops hidden in charming side streets, I couldn’t resist the allure of finding hidden Parisian gems.

Naturally, I came home with a beautiful new pair of ballet flats - perfect for twirling through Parisian streets - and a scarf adorned with delicate, blooming roses, just to keep my heart (and outfit) a little bit extra lovely.

You can't visit Paris without taking a ballet class, right?

One of my highlights of this adventure was slipping on my pointe shoes and dancing with other ballet lovers at the Opéra Garnier. Imagine - a gorgeous, opulent setting, the smell of wood polish and sweat in the air, the rhythmic tap-tap of shoes against the stage. Heaven! And what better way to feel a part of the city’s cultural heart?

My Paris adventure took me to a show-stopping ballet performance at the Opéra Garnier. This truly was a theatrical treat, featuring breathtaking costumes and captivating choreography, the sheer beauty of it leaving me mesmerised!

To be honest, Paris just seems to get under your skin, pulling you into its whirlwind of creativity. Every cobblestone street feels like a stage, every cafe table a spotlight, and you can’t help but want to twirl!

But let’s not forget about food, because every Paris trip is an epicurean delight! From creamy croissants and fluffy baguettes to rich cheeses and delectable pastries, my taste buds danced with joy!

I also made sure to try authentic French cuisine at charming Parisian bistros. The rich, comforting flavours were truly divine!

But my adventures wouldn't be complete without bringing a little bit of Emma’s magic to Paris. Of course, a pink tutu made an appearance! I may be travelling solo, but my love for this fluffy, beautiful, enchanting item means I have plenty of companions to make!

As I twirled through the cobblestone streets, a beautiful symphony of colour dancing before me, I felt an incredible connection with the city. It was like Paris itself understood my love for all things pink, sparkly, and utterly divine!

Let's be honest, I have a penchant for making friends along the way and that happened in Paris. One of my most memorable moments was when a local Parisian stopped to ask me about my tutu! He told me it was the "most beautiful" thing he’d ever seen.

It’s easy to make friends with locals if you are carrying a pink tutu around, but of course you are very kind to your Pink Tutu Blogger friend for sharing her little piece of joy, aren’t you, my darlings?

This is the spirit of Pink Tutu Blog: spreading happiness and love one pink tutu at a time. Who knows, maybe even Paris will start adopting the pink tutu lifestyle!

The truth is, Paris is more than just a beautiful city; it’s a tapestry woven with countless stories, brimming with art, music, and romance, and a place where dreams come alive! But Paris is nothing without the Parisians – and oh, the people are as warm and welcoming as the sunshine itself. It makes you want to twirl!

My trip was short and sweet, but as always, it left a lasting impression. This is my Paris diary, my love letter to the city of dreams. This isn’t just a travelogue – this is my story, and you can always join me on a little Pink Tutu adventure – Paris or anywhere. I'll be posting a new entry every Saturday, so be sure to check back here next week.

Stay sparkly, darling!

Emma xxx

P.S. Want to follow my Parisian Pink Tutu adventures? Be sure to sign up for the Pink Tutu newsletter. Plus, stay up to date on where I’ll be dancing next.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-01-03 Exploring Paris