Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-02-28 Exploring Paris

Paris: City of Lights, Pink Tutues, and Stolen Kisses! (Blog Post #479)

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, writing to you live from the City of Lights itself! As you know, every Saturday, I bring you my Parisian adventures and, oh my, this week has been utterly magnifique! I arrived last Tuesday, zipping through the Channel on the EuroStar (and let's just say, a pink tutu certainly makes you stand out amongst the Parisian businessmen, trust me!)

Pink Perfection in Paris

My first order of business was, of course, finding the most perfect pink tutu in Paris. After all, what is a trip to the City of Love without the most fabulous sartorial statement? And where better to start than the legendary Bon Marché? I must say, the pink selection was divine, but I eventually found a tutu with the most exquisite layers of tulle and a sweet little ribbon, the perfect colour to match my blush-pink trench coat (can you tell I have a soft spot for anything rosy? ;)

Ballet Bliss: Le Palais Garnier

You know I love my ballet, and my Paris adventures just wouldn't be complete without a visit to the world-famous Palais Garnier! Seeing the "Phantom of the Opera" here was simply magical! The ornate setting, the intricate costumes, the beautiful melodies… it transported me straight to the Parisian opera of yore, and my heart practically exploded with joy! Even the "Phantom" looked dashing in his dramatic mask and billowing black cape – such a mysterious air about him!

Cafe Culture & Stolen Kisses

After my operatic adventure, it was time for some Parisian cafe culture! My friend Lily, who's living here in Paris now, suggested a charming little cafe called Le Petit Fleur. It was absolutely enchanting, with delicate pink blossoms adorning the cafe's window and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. As I sat sipping my latte (with a generous helping of French pastry, naturally), I couldn't help but steal a few glimpses at the locals – they have such a chic and carefree air about them, don't you think?

Fashion Extravaganza: Le Marais

Now, no trip to Paris is complete without some serious shopping, and let's just say, Le Marais did not disappoint. With its charming boutiques, antique shops, and trendy cafes, this neighbourhood is a true haven for any fashion enthusiast (or anyone who enjoys pink tutus, as you know!). I found myself drawn to a beautiful shop called La Maison Rose, where the clothes were as captivating as their pink facade! And, of course, no Parisian shopping trip would be complete without a detour to Galeries Lafayette! It's a dizzying labyrinth of fashion, and I managed to squeeze in a pair of sleek black boots that look perfectly poised with a pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?

A Date With Destiny… or maybe just a good croissant

And, wouldn't you know it, while browsing in Le Marais, I bumped into a handsome gentleman. He looked rather startled by my pink tutu (though maybe it was my undeniable charm, ha!), but we quickly got to chatting about everything Parisian. His name is Pierre, and he's an aspiring artist – a perfect fit for my pink tutu world, right? We strolled through the Marais, and he even bought me a delectable croissant at a quaint little bakery – the pastries here are utterly divine, even with my ballet diet in place!

Parisian Magic and the Promise of More

This past week in Paris has been simply sensational! The city truly sparkles with a magic that’s difficult to explain, and with its romantic cafes, stunning architecture, and the best fashion on the planet, it’s no wonder that Paris has become a destination for dreams and fairytale moments. It's also made me appreciate my home in Derbyshire a little more, as every time I leave for a trip like this, I'm filled with an insatiable desire to share these Parisian treasures with my home town! But of course, the beauty of travelling is the promise of new adventures to come. So, I'm already making plans for my next pink tutu escapade, and I'm sure you’ll be right there with me, darlings, every step of the way! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for my blog posts and social media updates! Until next week, remember to keep your tutus tight and your smiles brighter!



(And a little bit of a shout out to my patrons - your donations make it possible for me to make trips like this, and I love sharing the pink tutu magic with you all!)

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-02-28 Exploring Paris