Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-02-21 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 478: A Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour mes chers amis!

It's Saturday morning here in the City of Lights, and the sunshine is pouring in through my Parisian hotel window. I'm so thrilled to be in this iconic city once again, the smell of freshly baked croissants wafting in the air, a constant reminder of the French joie de vivre!

For those of you new to the #PinkTutuBlog, allow me to introduce myself - I'm Emma, a ballerina from Derbyshire, and a self-proclaimed advocate for all things pink, tutus, and…well, basically, all things fabulous! My mission is to encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once in their life, and, of course, to spread the love of ballet everywhere I go. This is, after all, why I travel – to dance, to perform, to immerse myself in the magical world of ballet, and, yes, to buy some stunning French shoes!

This week, I travelled to Paris by the ever-efficient EuroStar, which allows me to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. As a true ballerina, I do love travelling by train, allowing me to take in the scenery and create my own balletic tableau in my mind! I had my very pink, rather dashing suitcase, of course. Nothing better than a pink tutu as a handle and an enormous, feather boa streaming from the zip! It always seems to attract a great deal of positive attention. I may, indeed, have caught a few Parisian eyes glancing longingly at the handle. The feather boa might have attracted some French gendarmerie glances too...I do try to keep a hold on things… well as much as possible in this whimsical pink tutu of mine!

My trip this time is a little different – I’m not only here for a performance at the beautiful Théâtre du Châtelet, but also to soak up the atmosphere and experience all that Paris has to offer. There's just something special about the air in Paris. It makes everything seem a little more magical, and even more glamorous. And today is a particularly special day, you see… Today, I am attending an exquisite private collection viewing of vintage ballerina costumes! I can't wait to see the elegance and creativity woven into the fabrics and the designs! You know me - always on the lookout for the next pink tutu!

But let's not forget why I’m here – the ballet! I've been practicing for months to perform as Odette/Odile in Swan Lake – such an iconic role, and I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to share the stage in this extraordinary city.

I must also confess that I couldn't resist dipping my toes into the Parisian shopping scene. I found the most divine pink ballet shoes in a little boutique in the Marais – delicate, soft, and adorned with a dainty pink ribbon – I mean, they were calling out my name! There were matching tights and, oh, my heart practically leaped into my throat – a most magnificent, shimmering, hot pink tutu - the kind that sparkles when you walk. It simply had to be mine!

Later tonight, I am looking forward to joining the ballet performance of "Giselle," a real favourite of mine – the romance, the drama, the technical mastery, I absolutely love it! After all, what is Paris without a ballet show under the twinkling Parisian sky?

And speaking of the Parisian sky, did you know today is a particularly special day - International Mother Language Day. It celebrates all languages in the world and it really makes me think how important it is to be able to connect with others, to share stories and celebrate our unique cultural differences. Today more than ever, I feel inspired by the sheer diversity of the world - so much to see, so much to learn, so much to explore!

Now, it's time to head out and discover more of Paris. The aroma of fresh bread and coffee is simply too irresistible! Follow me, and let’s wander down the charming, cobblestone streets of the city… just don't tell anyone how much I love the Eiffel Tower, or they’ll think I’m a cliché. Oh, the beauty! I can’t wait to see what awaits us!

Stay tuned, darling dears, for more pink tutu adventures.

Au revoir for now, and keep sparkling,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-02-21 Exploring Paris