Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-05-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Calling! - Post #489

Saturday, 9th May 2009

Bonjour, darlings!

This week's Pink Tutu Blog has a special Parisian flair as I'm writing from the City of Lights itself! Yep, your girl Emma is in Paris! Can you believe it?! I feel like a little ballerina doll waltzing through the cobblestone streets, practically skipping along the Seine. It's every bit as magical as I imagined.

Let's rewind a little. My trip was all thanks to that fabulous performance last week in Buxton! My grand finale was a flurry of pirouettes and grand jetés that landed me a hefty bouquet and enough cash for a little Parisian escapade! Honestly, ballet is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

The journey over on the Eurostar was divine. Honestly, there's no better way to travel! I took my usual Pink Tutu bag with me – packed to the brim with enough fabulous pink and sparkly attire for a month-long Parisian spree! (I’m not one for travelling light, darling! Every situation demands the right tutu!).

We arrived in Gare du Nord early afternoon, just as the sun was making the Eiffel Tower sparkle like a million tiny diamonds. It felt so unreal! I nearly fainted when the glorious iron lady popped into view! Honestly, how stunning is it?! It's like a giant fairy tale castle.

A Shopping Spree Fit For a Ballerina Princess

As soon as we'd checked into our little Parisian hideaway – a gorgeous hotel with a secret little courtyard perfect for a pre-dinner pirouette (don’t tell the management) - we headed straight for the shopping. Now, I know what you’re thinking: a ballerina on a shopping spree in Paris? Dangerous territory! You're right. So much beauty to be devoured, my dears! It's impossible not to succumb to the exquisite craftsmanship of Parisian boutiques!

This season's style is all about pastel shades and delicate floral prints – a Parisian symphony in chiffon and lace. Think fluffy tutus (my absolute weakness, darling!) paired with delicate tulle dresses in shades of blush pink and lavender. Think shimmering silks and bejewelled ballerinas that sparkle under the moonlight. Paris is a dreamland for every ballerina!

Of course, I couldn't resist popping into a few stores I had on my list. There was a darling little boutique nestled in a hidden alley that was bursting with vintage treasures – feather boas, lace gloves, sparkly clips and headbands. I felt like I’d stepped back into a Belle Époque era!

Then there was a grand, sprawling department store on the Champs-Élysées - like stepping into a palace of luxury! A must-have for every ballerina: the most beautiful collection of dance shoes I’d ever seen. All shimmery and stylish, and you can bet your bottom dollar they’re nestled in my luggage right now.

Paris After Dark

That evening, I made my way to the glorious Opéra Garnier. Imagine a palace of dazzling chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and a stage worthy of the most spectacular performance! It felt magical, and you just know a ballet will be happening here soon! (And I have a feeling this pink-tutu-wearing ballerina is going to be front row, ready for some divine inspiration!).

As for dinner? Oh, darling, dinner! Imagine a cobbled street alive with flickering candlelight, charming bistros bursting with laughter, and a delicate scent of freshly baked pastries! We sat on a sunny terrace at a restaurant, a vibrant tapestry of red tablecloths and wicker chairs beneath a sun-drenched sky. It was heaven on earth. We were truly spoilt with perfectly seasoned beef bourguignon and fresh French bread - enough to satisfy a starving ballerina.

Paris in Bloom

Sunday morning dawned clear and bright with the gentle tinkling of the Eiffel Tower's clock in the distance. Paris in spring is like stepping into a living, breathing impressionist painting. Trees are adorned with the most delicate blossoms in a symphony of pink, white, and yellow, creating a magical springtime vista. We wandered through Tuileries Garden - a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city. There were kids playing, picnickers enjoying the sunshine, and all those gorgeous floral arrangements making every corner Instagram worthy. The Parisian ladies were as chic as ever - elegant hats, stunning prints, flowing scarves... Honestly, there's a chicness in the air here that inspires. It’s almost as though Paris makes you wear it. It's infectious!

Pink Tutu in Paris

For lunch, we sat outside a café enjoying a bowl of steaming onion soup and pastries. Now, you know how I am with my pink tutus! They're basically an extension of me at this point. The day I can't wear my tutu, darling, is a very sad day! Well, let me tell you: it was impossible to be shy about the tutu in Paris. No one seemed to care that I was rocking pink tulle at the Louvre! Even the old men playing chess on the street seemed mesmerized by it! They were so charmed by it! It’s like this city embraces anything that makes life beautiful. They love a little touch of whimsy - and who doesn't?! The Parisians seemed to think my pink tutu added to the spectacle of the city, the little extra something special that brings the City of Lights to life!

We went to a ballet class later in the day, but we had to move our ballet class because it wasn't in the best part of town - darling, the ballet teacher just did not know what she was talking about! There are much more beautiful and elegant streets to have your classes on! Don’t worry though - after my blog post gets read - we’re on to finding a new ballet class! A ballerina like me needs her fix, and I can't let my Parisian adventure get in the way of that. I promise you all: my blog posts on dancing in Paris are only just starting, and I’ll be dancing my way to the most chic, beautiful, inspiring classes possible!

After class we treated ourselves to an elegant afternoon tea at the Hotel Bristol. Imagine a palace of golden mirrors, dainty cakes, and exquisite pastries! We sipped steaming cups of English breakfast tea, watching the city unfurl before our eyes. I told the barista how important it was to be pink - and the whole afternoon tea service looked very impressed. In fact, I got an invitation to do some tea dancing! How wonderful is that! I promise you: Paris is pink and sparkly all the way, darlings, and you don't even have to wear a pink tutu to see it. But, let me tell you: the pink tutu just makes the city glow. I’ve fallen in love with the city.

This is just the first glimpse of my Parisian adventure, darlings. The pink tutu has so much more to discover in the City of Lights, from exploring charming cafes to attending breathtaking ballets. Stay tuned for next week’s blog, where we'll dive into a world of artistic wonder. Au revoir for now, and remember, don't be afraid to add a little bit of pink tutu to your own life. Life is too short to not wear pink. I'll see you all next week, darlings!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-05-09 Exploring Paris