Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-05-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 488: Bonjour, Paris!

Oh my darlings, how are you all? It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, and I'm back from my Parisian adventures, ready to share all the glittery details!

This Saturday marked my first jaunt into the City of Lights, and oh, how it shimmered! You wouldn't believe the magical day I had, but I’ll start at the very beginning…

My trip to Paris was a culmination of months of saving and planning. It wasn’t your typical holiday. It was all fuelled by the pure passion of dance, of course! You see, my beloved tutu-clad ballet performances helped finance this entire trip. The applause and joy in the eyes of the audience is the very best payment I could ask for, especially when it helps me chase my Parisian dreams.

So, what better way to arrive in Paris than via the EuroStar? Honestly, it was just like stepping onto a stage! I’d never been on it before and had all the same excited butterflies in my stomach that I usually get before a performance. But with the extra thrill of finally seeing the Eiffel Tower peeking from a distance! Oh, la la! It was pure magic! I felt like I was whisked away into another world – all sleek carriages and champagne flutes (I had a tiny glass of bubbly, of course!) – it felt so sophisticated.

Once I arrived in Gare du Nord, it was like being thrown into the most stunning movie set! I mean, even the station itself is a gorgeous building with amazing architecture – and it felt as grand as a Parisian opera house!

From there, it was a short, easy metro ride to my Airbnb in the heart of Montmartre. You could say my apartment was a bit like a little pink-tinted ballerina’s paradise, decorated with an antique ballerina music box and some seriously stunning Parisian vintage finds. (I might just have brought a few trinkets home… 🤫)

And then, the real fun began!

I had planned my itinerary around the perfect blend of cultural delights, fashion discoveries, and, naturally, an entire day dedicated to dancing. I am, after all, a tutu-clad ballerina, so you already know how important this part of my trip was going to be!

But I couldn’t just jump into all that excitement straight away! Paris called for some sightseeing and oohing and ahhing, so off I trotted to the Eiffel Tower. It’s just as iconic in real life as in all the photos and even more beautiful than I ever imagined. There I stood, twirling my pink tutu beneath its mighty shadow – it really did make for the perfect Instagram moment!

I decided to make a day of it and explored the surrounding gardens, taking in the vibrant blooms and fresh air – it was so refreshing after my long train journey! Every view I saw, every nook and cranny of the city, had that captivating Parisian je ne sais quoi, you know?

The evening found me exploring the streets of Montmartre, which are bursting with charm and so wonderfully artsy. Every corner holds a new surprise, from bohemian boutiques selling vintage hats to colourful street performers. It felt like I was walking through a living art exhibition!

The day wasn’t quite over yet! There was something else that Paris has become synonymous with in my mind - the Louvre! You see, the Mona Lisa has become my personal icon and, just as with any true icon, I had to pay her my respects!

Of course, I wasn't just going to see her. My ballet heart had another plan - to watch some stunning performances at the Palais Garnier opera house! There, I lost myself in the beautiful music and dramatic dance of Swan Lake – an absolute masterpiece! The ballet world here felt so magical and full of passion – just like in my own Derbyshire performances but with that extra French flair! It was a night I'll never forget.

Sunday arrived with sunshine and even more Paris on my plate. After a leisurely breakfast in a quaint café, where I treated myself to a decadent croissant (it’s essential when you’re in Paris, don't you think?), I found myself mesmerized by the sheer scale and beauty of the Notre Dame cathedral. Even though it’s still under repair after the fire, it still stands proud, a symbol of hope and resilience, and it had me speechless!

You can probably guess where I headed next – to explore the most divine Parisian fashion shops! After all, every ballet dancer has a fashion-obsessed side! Paris was just the perfect excuse to let my love for stylish finds go wild. Oh, darling, I found myself swept up in the whirl of stunning Parisian fashion! You can imagine – oh, all those beautiful fabrics, the sleek lines of couture dresses, the elegance of vintage jewellery. I really did find the most divine Parisian treasures in the shops around the Seine. Let’s just say my wardrobe is getting an upgrade and so is my tutu collection! (And I can’t wait to show you my latest finds on my next Pink Tutu Blog post!).

Of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without a delightful lunch. And my French dining experience was complete when I discovered a quaint cafe tucked away in the heart of a charming neighbourhood. With my tiny cup of coffee and perfectly baked tarte Tatin, it felt like stepping into a romantic Parisian film. Every moment felt so chic and sophisticated!

By the end of Sunday, I was a full-fledged Parisian for a day! My little pink tutu had twirled around the Louvre, waltzed along the Seine, and felt like the queen of the city – I am, after all, the queen of the pink tutu! And you know, there is nothing I love more than sharing all of these experiences with you lovely lot!

This journey was everything I dreamed of, and I’ve fallen so deeply in love with Paris – and, of course, with everything pink, beautiful, and ballet-themed. And you know what, my dear readers? It truly was all about the tutus.

So, my loves, as you all know, pink is my colour, tutus are my passion, and travel is a dream that fills me with joy. Paris is a city that embodies all these passions. It’s a place where dreams dance, tutus twirl, and Parisian chic becomes reality. And what is a trip to Paris without a new Pink Tutu adventure? I’ve already begun planning my next trip. And next time, I will be exploring more of Paris' beautiful ballet studios, I’m already daydreaming about seeing all the other iconic Paris attractions (like the Louvre’s famous Venus de Milo!), and most of all, I’ll be exploring all the magical dance studios! It’s the perfect blend of art, beauty, and elegance – and something that every ballerina at heart should experience at least once.

I’ve been back in England for a couple of days now and am already missing Paris’ charm and sophistication, so let’s bring the magic to our home! Why not find yourself the most glorious pink tutu, grab your friends and, if you’re lucky enough, some French music, and get dancing.

And that, my loves, is the key! Don't just stand on the sidelines, embrace the wonder! Put on that pink tutu and get out there and be yourself – you might just find a new world of adventure.

Stay twirling,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-05-02 Exploring Paris