Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-08-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #505: Parisian Pink-a-tude!

Bonjour, mes chéries! Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad travel enthusiast, back from the City of Lights with a suitcase bursting with pink dreams and a heart full of Parisian magic!

This week, I swapped my Derbyshire dales for the cobbled streets of Paris, hopping aboard the EuroStar like a modern-day ballerina in training for a grand voyage. I love the excitement of travelling by train, watching the countryside melt into urban landscapes as the click-clack of the wheels lulls you into a sense of adventure. Plus, I get to show off my latest pink tutu – this time, a stunning sequined masterpiece, shimmering like the morning dew on a Parisian park.

Of course, the highlight of my trip, as always, was the ballet. I've been a devotee since childhood, and Paris is simply the perfect city to indulge this passion. This Saturday, I waltzed into the hallowed halls of the Palais Garnier – the setting for Phantom of the Opera, no less – for a dazzling performance of Giselle. The dancers were breathtaking, their movements fluid as whispers of silk, their expressions filled with heartbreaking beauty. I swear I saw tears in the eyes of a nearby Parisian gentleman – something so poetic and heartfelt about witnessing this form of art, wouldn't you agree?

But this Paris adventure wasn't just about pirouettes and pliés. I spent much of the day exploring the city’s vibrant fashion scene. You can’t possibly visit Paris without immersing yourself in its unparalleled couture – it’s a pink-tutu girl's dream! From the elegant boutiques on the Rue de Saint-Honoré to the edgy vintage stores tucked away in the Marais district, every corner pulsates with creative energy and sartorial delights. I indulged my inner shopaholic, snagging a beautiful pink hat with a feather and a silk scarf with delicate floral patterns, both of which are going to be the stars of my next tutu ensemble, I assure you!

As the day faded, the Parisian streets began their magical transformation, draped in soft golden hues of the setting sun. I couldn't resist the allure of a café tucked away on a cobbled side street, where I savored a delectable crème brûlée (absolutely divine!) and scribbled down notes for my latest blog post, all the while listening to the lively conversations and music spilling out of the surrounding bars.

Oh, my dear readers, I truly feel like Paris embraces the extraordinary, and for someone like me, obsessed with all things beautiful and vibrant, it feels like stepping into a fantastical world, just as vibrant as a ballerina's costume.

Before you go, here’s a little Parisian tip: If you’re feeling a bit peckish, treat yourself to some freshly baked macarons. You’ll find these sweet little treats in almost every patisserie, and trust me, you won’t regret indulging your sweet tooth!

And remember, girls, wear your pink tutus with pride! Every day can be a Parisian adventure when you embrace the beautiful and the bold!

Au revoir for now! Don’t forget to check back next week for another exciting episode of Pink Tutu Blog Paris!

P.S. Did you know that today, August 29th, is the anniversary of the birth of the fabulous Coco Chanel, the epitome of chic and elegance? Happy Birthday, Coco!

With love,



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-08-29 Exploring Paris