Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-09-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #508 – Bonjour, Paris! (And My Pink Tutu!)

Oh la la! It's Saturday again, which means it's time for another Paris blog post! This week I've been living the dream, and what a dream it is – I'm in Paris! The City of Lights! And, of course, I'm sporting my favourite pink tutu, because a pink tutu always looks amazing, no matter the city.

This time I'm here for a fortnight, so plenty of time to explore, indulge in some serious shopping, and catch some incredible ballet shows. It’s all thanks to a fab gig I got playing at the Theatre Royal Derby – I just adore performing and I can honestly say that funding my travels this way is the ultimate dream.

I started my Parisian adventure in the most wonderful way – a Eurostar journey! I’ve got to say, the Eurostar is just fantastic. It feels like stepping into a world of glamour and elegance. There's something utterly luxurious about that train, even when it's full of excited tourists – it's just a fantastically elegant way to travel. And, naturally, I chose a window seat, so I could watch the scenery zip past in my fabulous pink tutu.

Of course, I knew exactly where to go when I arrived in Paris! I just had to head to the glorious Galleries Lafayette – every girly girl's Parisian dream. It's just so elegant, a grand spectacle of a building with amazing displays, and everything sparkling! The shops just had me in a complete and utter shopping trance. And, of course, there was a stunning display of tutus, just as gorgeous as you'd imagine! Honestly, there is something special about pink tutus, it really does give a touch of glamour to anything! And after my Parisian shopping haul I knew exactly where I was going to head for – afternoon tea, naturellement. The cakes in Paris are just a delight for the senses!

Saturday was, of course, the start of a long weekend, which means the city really started to buzz! I saw so many street performers - jugglers, singers, dancers - it really is a place where you can watch an impromptu show every day. And in the evenings, it's the same story – so many little cabaret bars tucked down side streets - oh, the possibilities! My tutu made quite an impression, especially among the young Parisians, they loved it!

Speaking of performances, it would be crazy to visit Paris and not take in a few shows. So on Monday night I'm heading to the Opéra Garnier to see ‘La Bohème’ – I just can't wait! The thought of seeing the most beautiful ballet performances set within that incredible building makes my tutu tremble! This is Paris, après tout, it’s just begging for beautiful shows, and with my tutu and me in attendance, there will be some incredible memories to be made!

Yesterday I found the most wonderful ballet school, tucked away in the Marais district. This week, I’ll be taking a few classes. If I can help it, every journey includes a little dance training! It’s always the perfect way to work out travel blues and a great way to learn new moves. And this ballet school just screams old world Parisian charm - the wooden floors, the big mirrors, the ballet barres - you just can’t help but feel elegant and inspiring, ready for some ballet fun! I'm thinking of posting a little blog video of me and my tutu performing a simple petit allegro – I bet I’ll find some great Parisian spots for my dance performance, after all, what else would a pink-loving ballerina do!

Speaking of dance, you're probably wondering what's on the agenda for the rest of this week. Well, it’s all about taking in the beauty of this incredible city – wandering the streets, taking in the sights, exploring the cobbled streets, enjoying all the charming cafés. And there will be plenty of fashion and beauty purchases – no Parisian trip is complete without a little retail therapy! Maybe I'll even treat myself to a new pink tutu – or maybe two! And of course, some more delicious Parisian treats!

Paris just exudes the very spirit of femininity - fashion, style, and art – the city really embodies what it means to feel like a beautiful, delicate princess in a fairytale world!

Well, that's all from me for this week – but be sure to check back next Saturday, as I'll be bringing you more Paris adventures from the magical pink-tutu loving Emma!

Au revoir, for now, and remember… it’s not a party without a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-09-19 Exploring Paris