Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-03 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post #510 – A Whirlwind of Fashion, Ballet and Parisian Dreams

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Emma here, ready to whisk you away to the city of lights for another week of Parisian adventures, straight from my pink-tutu-clad heart! As you all know, I've been longing to visit Paris for years, and with October rolling in and my schedule clearing up, I couldn’t wait another minute to book those train tickets.

The journey itself was an absolute delight! I swear, there’s something so magical about the Eurostar. The speed, the sleek carriages, the quiet whizzing past the English countryside – it all feels incredibly glamorous, just like a scene from a film. Plus, it meant I could actually wear my most flamboyant tutu without a care! My latest masterpiece, a shimmering lavender confection with feather trims, was a perfect match for the mood of the journey. Let’s be honest, if I'm going to spend hours on a train, I'm going to do it in style!

A Parisian Dream

Now, where to start with this magical city? The energy here is electric, and the streets are just overflowing with beauty, fashion, and a certain je ne sais quoi that you can’t quite put your finger on! I've only been here for a few days, and I already feel like I'm on the verge of falling in love. My Parisian adventures are all meticulously planned, naturally, starting with...

A Spot of Ballet: Because even in Paris, a ballerina needs her fix! And there's nothing quite like a ballet performance at the Opéra Garnier. The grandeur of the building alone is breathtaking. I felt like I'd been transported to a fairytale! But the true highlight was the performance itself. "La Bayadère" with its sumptuous costumes, captivating choreography, and exquisite music left me utterly enchanted. I don't think I'll ever stop gushing about it!

The World of Fashion: Now, who can resist a Parisian shopping spree? As soon as I stepped off the Eurostar, I knew I was in for a treat. The boutiques, oh, the boutiques! I was particularly drawn to the vintage shops on the Rue de Rennes. Imagine rows and rows of gorgeous vintage clothing, some of which I'd never even dreamt of! I walked away with a beautiful lace blouse and a vintage broach - the perfect accents for my Parisian outfits. I even snagged a tiny vintage purse, just because it was the most delicate pink you’ve ever seen!

The Ethereal Eiffel Tower: I knew I had to include a climb up the Eiffel Tower, and it definitely did not disappoint. The view of Paris at sunset was nothing short of magical. You could see the entire city twinkling below. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

The Art of Indulging: Now, it wouldn't be a Parisian trip without a bit of indulgence. So, I found a charming cafe nestled in a quiet corner, and treated myself to some divine French pastry and a cup of strong, aromatic coffee. I spent the next hour lost in the stories unfolding on the street outside, a beautiful ballet of people going about their day. It’s in these little moments that Paris really captivates my soul!

A City for Every Dream: This weekend in Paris has already left a permanent imprint on my heart. This is a city where even the smallest detail holds its own magic. From the perfectly manicured gardens to the enchanting cafes and cobblestone streets, I am falling more deeply in love with Paris every single day. I feel so inspired, and I just know I'll be back again and again. This, my dear friends, is just the beginning of my Parisian journey!

Don't Forget Your Tutu!

Oh, and did I mention my Tutu adventures? I wouldn’t dare venture out in Paris without a pink tutu, naturally! This time, it was a fluffy confection of tulle and sparkle, just perfect for twirling on the cobblestone streets. You wouldn’t believe how much attention I got from everyone – from tourists and locals, to fashion-savvy Parisians! Honestly, I'm determined to get everyone wearing a pink tutu someday! Just imagine a sea of tutus flowing through the city, such a wonderful, vibrant picture! It makes my heart flutter!

Next Week's Parisian Escapades!

Keep checking back next Saturday, dear readers, because I’m going to be filling you in on even more exciting Parisian happenings! I'm planning a trip to the Louvre, more decadent meals, some exciting Parisian fashion discoveries, and oh so much more! Paris is calling my name, and I'm answering with a happy heart, and a sparkly, pink tutu.

Until next week, au revoir, mes amies!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-03 Exploring Paris