Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-24 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Week 513 - Whirlwind of Parisian Dreams! 🩰🇫🇷

Bonjour, my dearest pink tutu enthusiasts! This week, I've swapped the familiar rolling hills of Derbyshire for the romantic charm of Paris. And let me tell you, Paris is everything you could imagine – the glistening Seine, cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and even more charm. Plus, it's simply brimming with opportunities for a pink tutu to shine!

As always, I took the EuroStar, gliding effortlessly into the Gare du Nord. Honestly, it feels so fancy stepping out of the train and into the bustling heart of Paris. I had to grab a quick pastry at the station's cafe – a buttery croissant and a cup of steaming, strong coffee – and a little indulgence is always allowed on a Parisian adventure!

The best part about traveling to Paris? The Parisian ballet scene! Oh, darling, I feel like I’ve stepped into a fairy tale! I simply adore everything about French ballet, and this time I am treated to the sublime "Giselle." You can imagine my joy. "Giselle" is an all-time favourite of mine – the ethereal beauty of the dancing, the poignant story, the magnificent costumes. I’m utterly besotted. You can see a full-on photo essay on my Instagram, of course! Just search @pinktutuemma!

But ballet isn’t all I do, darlings. A girl needs her fashion fix, wouldn’t you agree? I took the afternoon to browse the stunning shops lining the Rue de Rivoli, picking up a few delightful treasures that will make any pink tutu look even more fabulous. It's truly a shopping paradise.

Of course, no Parisian escapade is complete without a trip to the Eiffel Tower. I felt a thrill as I climbed those elegant stairs, then the sight from the top left me utterly speechless! All of Paris, glistening and romantic beneath the late afternoon sun. Simply perfect! And of course, my little pink tutu made a perfectly-timed entrance for a few glorious selfies, framing the Eiffel Tower as my very own stage.

I finished my evening with a picnic by the Seine, surrounded by the music of buskers and the soft glow of the city lights. A baguette with melted camembert, a fresh baguette and a small pot of mustard (don't forget the French love mustard – and rightly so, it is delicious!) and a glass of sparkling wine made the evening magical. I watched couples swaying gently by the riverbank, and couldn’t help but feel a touch of Parisian magic work its charm on my own heart.

Now, you may be wondering how I manage to indulge in all these Parisian delights. You see, my dearest pink tutu-wearing companions, it's my love for ballet that truly fuels my travels. You’d be surprised at how many opportunities there are to share your passion and even earn some income with it. I find opportunities performing in local events, fundraisers, workshops – even tea parties sometimes! Honestly, sometimes all you need is a vibrant, joyful performance, a touch of sparkle, and your signature pink tutu to bring joy to people's lives. It’s what I truly love doing, and it pays my travel expenses!

This Paris trip has truly been a dream, and I feel so much love and inspiration to share. Maybe, next week, I’ll finally find the perfect vintage tutu to complete my wardrobe! And I'm planning to do a bit of dancing at the fabulous cabaret 'Le Moulin Rouge'… can you even imagine?!

Stay tuned for all the delightful details on next Saturday’s blog post. For now, I leave you with a little Parisian advice: never shy away from wearing what makes you happy, let your inner ballerina shine, and never, ever underestimate the power of a good, twirly, pink tutu.

Until next Saturday, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-24 Exploring Paris