Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-31 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - #514 (31st October 2009)

Bonjour mes chers amis!

It's Emma here, reporting live from the City of Lights, Paris! As you know, I adore travelling by train, and this week's EuroStar journey was no exception. Whizzing through the English countryside on my way to Paris, I felt a surge of excitement that only travelling to this magical city can evoke. The romance of Paris has been whispering to me for years, and finally, I'm here!

The Paris Ballet Experience

My mission this trip? To immerse myself in the world of Parisian ballet. Yes, you heard that right, ballet! My life revolves around it, and the world of ballet in Paris is a whirlwind of elegance, passion, and beauty. The Parisian ballet companies have a long and rich history, and their dancers are known for their incredible talent and artistry.

A Day of Ballet Dreams

Today was a day devoted to indulging in this ballet fantasy. My morning began at the glorious Paris Opera House, the Palais Garnier. It’s the perfect blend of majestic grandeur and architectural wonder, making every moment there feel special. After a cup of delicious Parisian coffee at a nearby cafe (because I must say, a trip to Paris wouldn't be complete without some proper French coffee), I popped into the Opéra Garnier boutique for a little ballet-themed shopping spree. Oh, the beautiful books, ballerinas, and delicate accessories!

This evening, I had tickets to a show at the Théâtre du Châtelet, one of the city's most iconic theatres. As I stepped inside, I felt the history, the energy, and the palpable buzz of anticipation. I couldn't help but smile – I love these magical, storybook places where creativity comes alive. Tonight, I witnessed a stunning rendition of "The Sleeping Beauty," and I am still buzzing from the exquisite choreography and the incredible performance of the dancers.

Pink Tutu Fashion Adventures in Paris

You already know I'm obsessed with all things pink, and I must say, the French have a fantastic eye for colour! A quick glance down the streets of Paris reveals a kaleidoscope of textures and tones that delight my senses. I especially loved the colours of autumn reflected in the beautiful leaves at the Jardin des Tuileries. As always, I had to indulge in a bit of Parisian fashion shopping, picking up a delicate pink scarf for myself at a quaint little boutique on the Rue de Rivoli. You can't go to Paris and resist a beautiful Parisian scarf – the fabric feels as soft as silk.

The Spirit of Parisian Indulgence

There's a certain je ne sais quoi about Paris that makes you feel utterly pampered and cherished. The food, the fashion, the art, the architecture, even the streets… they all speak to a passion for beauty, sophistication, and life’s simple joys. As I sipped my freshly squeezed orange juice at a sidewalk cafe, I could feel this exquisite spirit seeping into me.

From Ballet Stage to Blogger's Journey

Each performance I give contributes to my adventures, making it possible for me to explore incredible places like Paris. There's nothing more magical than experiencing a city like Paris through a ballet lens, where grace, elegance, and beauty intertwine with its every corner. It feels like a dream come true.

And finally…

Paris, oh Paris, you have my heart! Every day in this beautiful city is an unforgettable journey filled with wonders and magic. And you can believe me when I say, my heart will be breaking when I have to leave!

However, I know this is not the last time I will grace your charming streets. I already can't wait for my next visit!

Au revoir, for now!

P.S. Don't forget to join me on next Saturday for another dose of pink tutu fashion, travel tales, and all things ballet!

And don’t forget, my dearest friends, pink tutus make the world a better place. So, join me on my pink tutu journey and wear one with pride!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-10-31 Exploring Paris