Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-07 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 515: Parisian Whirlwind! 🩰💖

Bonjour mes amies!

Well, I'm back! And boy, oh boy, what a whirlwind Paris has been. The Eurostar whizzed me over like a ballet dancer on point, the only difference being my little legs weren't trembling (too much)! It truly was a dream, this city of lights and laughter, art and couture!

The air practically crackled with Parisian energy, and you know what they say - the only thing better than being a ballerina in Derbyshire is being a ballerina in Paris! So, strap yourselves in for this week's adventure as I take you through my Parisian escapades - from dazzling shows and breathtaking sights to the most divine shopping sprees, you can practically hear the tutus swirling!

Let's begin with a performance…

First stop: The Paris Opera! As you can probably guess, a ballet show was on the top of my to-do list. The iconic building was just as magnificent as I had imagined. The plush velvet seats felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale. And the ballet… pure magic! The dancers floated like butterflies, their movements both powerful and elegant, telling stories without uttering a single word. The air practically hummed with their passion, and the music filled me with a joy I just couldn't contain. You see, ballet is more than just a dance to me - it’s a story, a feeling, an explosion of emotion and beauty. I always feel so incredibly alive during these shows.

After the performance, I whipped out my new ballet flats (that perfectly match my darling pink tutu, of course!) and skipped through the bustling Parisian streets. The scent of freshly baked bread and perfume lingered in the air as I made my way to the most darling little tea shop. They served the most delicate teacakes, which tasted just as divine as they looked. As I sat there sipping my tea and enjoying my delicious treats, I couldn't help but feel utterly grateful to be in this beautiful city.

Pink shopping spree!

A true Parisian adventure wouldn't be complete without a little shopping spree, now, would it? This week I embarked on a journey through the city's fashion hotspots. The most beautiful boutiques lined the cobblestone streets, with dazzling displays of all things sparkly and stylish! My little pink tutu might not have fit into every shop I went in (it does get in the way sometimes!), but my bag definitely didn’t need any help carrying all the pretty things I picked up! From delicate silk scarves to exquisite handmade earrings, every single purchase felt like a tiny souvenir of this amazing city. You just cannot leave Paris without a new silk scarf!

And, of course, a visit to the Eiffel Tower…

What's a Parisian escapade without climbing the famous Iron Lady herself? The Eiffel Tower is such an iconic landmark - even the journey to the top was a visual feast! And the view… oh, the view! Paris spread out before me like a painted picture, all twinkling lights and bustling life, it truly felt like the City of Lights was shining just for me. It was that kind of "pinch me" moment that made me realise how lucky I am to be able to live my dream.

And, on to my next adventure!

Paris has definitely stolen a piece of my heart, But you know what they say – the best part of any journey is knowing that the next adventure is waiting around the corner. For me, that means taking in more of this magnificent city. Maybe a visit to the Louvre for some more cultural inspiration? Perhaps some more enchanting performances at one of Paris's incredible theatres? Whatever it is, I know I’ll be sure to bring my pink tutu along with me!

So, stay tuned! Don't forget to pop back next Saturday for my next blog post on

Remember, everyone can wear a pink tutu if they want to - and it might even inspire your inner ballerina. After all, it’s never too late to chase your dreams!

Bisous, mes amies!

Emma 💋

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-07 Exploring Paris