Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-14 Exploring Paris

Paris, Oh La La! - Pink Tutu Blog Post #516

Saturday 14th November 2009

Bonjour from the City of Lights, my darlings! 🇫🇷 I'm so excited to be in Paris, a city that truly embraces all things glamorous, just like me! My pink tutu and I arrived this morning via the fabulous Eurostar, which felt like a private carriage fit for a princess. You wouldn't believe the amount of space to stretch out my legs! It was the perfect start to a magical trip, feeling like a true Parisian with the Parisian air whipping through my hair.

I just had to take the train to Paris this time. The romance of travelling by train just pulls me in! You see, I get inspired by everything – the scenery flashing by, the chatter in the carriages, even the aroma of coffee and croissants wafting from the buffet car. The whole journey felt like a scene from one of those lovely old films – a touch of old-world charm, perfect for a tutu-wearing ballerina like me!

Of course, Paris is the ultimate inspiration. The cobblestone streets, the charming cafes, the incredible architecture…everything whispers 'pink tutu'! And I'm determined to see if I can get the Parisians on board with the tutu revolution. A pink tutu against a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower? Dreamy!

But enough about my outfit! Let's delve into this week's Parisian adventures, shall we?

A Ballerina's Paradise: The Ballet Opera House

The very first thing I did upon arrival was head straight for the Opera Garnier. I just can't resist a magnificent theatre. Imagine my excitement when I discovered they were having a ballet performance tonight! The iconic opera house is absolutely breathtaking; the chandeliers sparkle like stars, the plush seats are designed for ultimate comfort, and the energy in the air… you just feel like you’re on the verge of a fairytale! This time, it’s Giselle that they’re putting on and let me tell you, this show was pure magic. I'm even planning a ballet class at the opera house to really feel like a true Parisian ballerina – imagine!

Shopping Therapy on the Champs-Élysées

Now, every trip to Paris demands a dose of shopping therapy. And my first stop? The glorious Champs-Élysées! It was bustling with life and there were so many chic boutiques, overflowing with beautiful clothes. I could hardly contain my excitement! My favourite find so far is this fabulous pink cashmere scarf, perfectly accented with a little Eiffel Tower charm. It will look absolutely darling draped around my tutu for the perfect Parisian ballerina chic look!

Artistic Adventures: A Day at the Louvre

One cannot go to Paris without a visit to the Louvre. My oh my, the masterpieces in there were so inspiring! Each painting told a story and each sculpture whispered with history. I had my camera in hand, trying to capture the essence of it all – the grand halls, the endless corridors, the air of intrigue that hung about the place... truly incredible! Of course, I just had to stand before the Mona Lisa. She seemed to be looking straight at me, perhaps thinking "A pink tutu, hmm! Intriguing". Maybe I'll do a little ballet inspired street performance by her next week... I'm thinking maybe "La Fille Mal Gardée", or perhaps something with a dramatic pose, to really drive the point home about pink tutus!

Fueling the Creative Soul: French Cuisine and Cafe Culture

One simply can’t speak about Paris without mentioning the food. The cafes are truly the heart and soul of the city. So naturally, I’ve indulged in my fair share of pain au chocolat, croque monsieur and delicious macarons – it would be rude not to! There's just something about sitting by a window, watching the Parisian life go by, enjoying a delicious pastry… pure magic! It definitely fuels my imagination for all those upcoming dance routines!

The Pink Tutu Travels to a Famous Parisian landmark - A Glimpse at the Eiffel Tower

Let's be honest, no trip to Paris is complete without a trip to the iconic Eiffel Tower. The tower glittered magnificently under the Paris sunset. And my darling tutu? Well, it stood out beautifully, a pop of pink against the golden glow! Of course, I took lots of photos - it's so Parisian, don’t you think? I am so tempted to wear my pink tutu to climb up there for an even more iconic view of Paris… perhaps for next week’s post! That will certainly cause a stir...

Planning my Parisian Adventures: The Days Ahead

This week I'll be getting my pink tutu on, exploring more of the city and maybe picking up a new beret to complete the look. There are so many more artistic treasures waiting for me - the Centre Pompidou, the Musée d'Orsay... oh, and of course, I must pop into Ladurée for more macarons! And maybe, just maybe, I'll find a way to incorporate my ballet routine into a Parisian setting for some très chic performance art! Who knows, maybe this week I'll even get a chance to practice with the local ballerinas at the Paris Opera – now wouldn’t that be a truly Parisian experience?

Remember to check back next week, darlings, for more updates on my Paris adventure and, most importantly, if my tutu revolution is gaining ground in the City of Lights! Au revoir!

Until next week, stay fabulous and remember, the world is a much brighter place with a little bit of pink in it. Remember to click on the follow button! 💓 Until then, keep on twirling! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-14 Exploring Paris