Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-21 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #517: Bonjour, Paris!

Well, darling, quelle surprise, you’re back with me, Emma, for another dazzling journey around the wonderful city of Paris, and trust me, it’s a right cracker.

The week’s ballet performance back home in Derbyshire was a belter. The Nutcracker never disappoints. Those little children dancing with such grace, you just melt! Of course, I performed my heart out in my beautiful pink tulle tutus. Pink is always in vogue, darling, just ask the French! Speaking of, I arrived in the City of Lights bright and early this morning, thanks to the brilliant EuroStar. Honestly, it's the only way to travel! The journey itself is a dream, all those countryside views flashing by. The perfect prelude to a Parisian escapade.

Today's adventure? Well, darling, let’s just say I am already channeling the chic Parisian woman - albeit with a little extra sparkle! I've been dipping in and out of the charming shops in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. You know, those independent boutiques where they've got all the most exquisite fashion finds. The gorgeous autumn hues in their window displays - burgundy, navy, ochre - oh, the inspiration!

Of course, no Parisian shopping trip is complete without a spot of couture. I've fallen in love with this darling pink bolero jacket - perfectly fitted with delicate embroidery - perfect for twirling my way through the city! And you wouldn't believe the adorable tutus they had. A full, cascading pink tutu, quelle merveille! (Translation: absolute masterpiece, my darlings!).

Paris is so full of enchanting surprises. I've already spotted a wonderful ballet academy. I must say, they seem very taken with the sight of my pink tutu. Perhaps I’ll book myself a few classes, brush up on my grand jetés. After all, Paris is a ballet dancer's paradise!

What’s on Today?

As you can imagine, Saturday in Paris is practically a synonym for "cultural explosion!" Tonight, we’re headed to a performance at the Theatre de la Ville. The bill is bursting with talent, a new rendition of Swan Lake, the very first performance I ever saw. I remember the impact that it made on me - just magical! The perfect setting for a Pink Tutu Paris dream.

I know you're eager to see, so expect more dazzling snaps from the city tomorrow.

Au revoir for now!



P.S. Don't forget, darling, check out my website: I've got some exciting news coming soon. A little hint: it involves a brand new line of tutus… a little hint, but just enough!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-21 Exploring Paris