Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post 518)

Bonjour, mes amis! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you live from the heart of Paris. Yes, you heard that right, I’m in Paris, and believe me, it is every bit as fabulous as I dreamed it would be!

This trip has been a long time coming – the excitement of seeing the Eiffel Tower sparkling under a Parisian sky has been brewing in my heart for ages. My mission? To bring the pink tutu magic of Derbyshire to the most romantic city in the world, and let me tell you, I’m not going down without a fight!

My journey to this magical place started, as always, with a train journey. This time, it was the Eurostar, a magnificent beast of a train that whisked me across the Channel and into the heart of Europe at an astonishing speed. My favourite thing about the Eurostar is the incredible sense of adventure you get - one minute you're tucking into a cuppa and a slice of Victoria sponge (my secret indulgence for long train journeys) in the quiet countryside of Derbyshire, and the next you're pulling into the majestic Gare du Nord in the middle of Paris.

As soon as I stepped off the train and into the fresh Parisian air, the excitement hit me like a wave. The air was buzzing with the sounds of Parisian life – the rumble of taxis, the chirping of birds, and the soft melodies of street musicians filling the air. It's like a beautiful symphony of sights, sounds and scents. And I swear, even the air in Paris seems to have a little extra “je ne sais quoi" about it.

Day One: From Opera to Bouquinistes

My first Parisian adventure was an absolute dream come true - a visit to the Palais Garnier Opera House! If you ever find yourself in Paris, put this majestic, breathtaking beauty right at the top of your list. It's more than just a building, it's a fairytale palace built of gilded balconies, grand staircases and a truly magnificent chandelier.

After the grandeur of the Opera House, I found myself lost in the charm of the charmingly quirky stalls along the Seine - the "Bouquinistes". They are these adorable little shops, literally on the banks of the Seine, overflowing with second-hand books. I wandered from stall to stall, marveling at the age-worn books and delicate antique trinkets on display. Imagine it – vintage dance posters, antique ballet tutus, antique dance shoes – it was heaven for a vintage ballerina like me!

After all that wandering, my tummy began to rumble and I realised I was hungry. Now, you know I'm a big believer in living life in colour (pink tutus, anyone?!), so, naturally, I had to find the most pink treat Paris could offer! And boy, did I hit the jackpot! Just off the Seine, I discovered a little patisserie tucked away in a quiet courtyard. Inside, it was like a confectioner’s dream - rows and rows of the most delectable, vibrant macarons in all colours of the rainbow, with the prettiest shades of pink taking center stage. They were practically begging to be photographed, so I snapped away with my camera, then savoured every bite of these Parisian delights.

**Finding the Perfect Tutu (And Maybe a Tiny Pink Bag or Two)

I just had to make time for a little retail therapy on this trip - a ballet-loving fashionista like me simply couldn’t resist. And what better place to find a new tutu (or maybe even two) than in the fashion capital of the world?

I spent the afternoon browsing the designer boutiques on the Champs-Elysees, and it was pure Parisian magic. There were stunning dresses and shoes with such exquisite detail – but it was the shoes that truly caught my eye. It seems like all those stylish Parisians know a thing or two about fashion.

An Evening of Elegance at the Ballet

No trip to Paris is complete without a dose of Parisian elegance - and that evening, I took in the most breathtaking performance at the Garnier Opera House - it was Swan Lake, a classic of course, but I never imagined I could see it with such drama and spectacle in a venue as stunning as this.

The ballerinas were all impossibly graceful and elegant in their exquisite costumes. They truly made the entire stage come to life, even for a minute, I think I even saw myself onstage – if only I could dance like they could, and you know I wouldn’t hesitate to twirl out there in my pink tutu!

The performance ended with thunderous applause – I wasn't the only one mesmerised! As I left the Opera House, the beautiful moonlit Parisian sky sparkled over my head. What a perfect way to end a day in the City of Lights!

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

If there’s one thing that my adventures have taught me, it’s that pink tutus and a touch of pink can transform any day into a day of joy and laughter. So whether you're twirling through the streets of Paris or just enjoying a cuppa in your own home, embrace the joy of a pink tutu!

I’ll be back next Saturday with more Parisian adventures - be sure to keep checking back on

Au revoir for now, and happy twirling!



PinkTutuBlogParis #Paris #ParisianFashion #ballet #swanslake #parisianstyle #parisianlife #tutulife #pinkskies #pinks #pinktutus

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-11-28 Exploring Paris