Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-12-05 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 519: Parisian Pink-a-liciousness!

Bonjour from the City of Lights! The Eurostar has just delivered me safely to Gare du Nord, and let me tell you, it's hard to keep a pink tutu wrinkle-free during the journey (it's all about the perfect swoosh!) but somehow, I managed it. It's a testament to the sheer power of a tutu – and of course, my expert packing skills!

This is post number 519 on my #PinkTutuBlogParis series – and I'm buzzing about exploring Paris this weekend! As you all know, Paris is the fashion capital of the world, and you just know I'm going to find some glorious, girly treats for my wardrobe. There are also some extraordinary ballet performances happening here too! This is what makes Paris truly divine - it’s the perfect blend of glamour, sophistication, and, yes, even a little bit of Pink-tutu-mania!

Saturday in Paris, A Whirlwind of Whimsy!

I'm starting the day with a trip to the iconic Galeries Lafayette – a store so fabulous it almost makes my head spin. Imagine rows and rows of beautiful shoes, the softest silk scarves in every colour imaginable, and an entire department dedicated to ballet wear! It’s a pink-tutu-lover's dream. And I'm on the hunt for a perfect outfit for the ballet performance tonight – maybe something that sparkles just a tad? 😉

After my shopping spree, I'm heading to Musée Carnavalet to delve into the history of this incredible city. Did you know they even have a section dedicated to Parisian fashion from the 18th century? I can't wait to see how ballerinas dressed back then – it’s sure to be fabulous!

And speaking of fabulous, this evening’s show is a masterpiece, “The Nutcracker,” at the legendary Palais Garnier! I am so excited – you'll be getting a full recap and tons of pictures in next week's blog post, including a little sneak peek at my outfit! (Of course it'll be pink and include a tutu, I'd never miss the opportunity!)

Sunday: A Parisian Stroll & More Tutu Dreams!

Sunday’s plan? More Paris in the pinkest, most magical way, of course!

First, I'm making a pilgrimage to the Musée Rodin, where they have an extraordinary collection of Auguste Rodin’s sculptures. Some of his work even features ballet themes – how divine is that? Imagine the ballerina figures, their postures frozen in time, a true testament to the grace of ballet. And it’s guaranteed to provide even more inspiration for my own dance moves!

To fuel my creative spark, a little bit of Parisian street performance is in order. I’m making a beeline to Place de la Bastille – you never know what delightful spectacle will catch my eye. Who knows, maybe there'll even be a pink tutu performance?

I will keep you all updated with my findings on! I'm even thinking about incorporating the beauty of Paris into my dance routines, adding a touch of Parisian elegance to my moves. You never know what new and exciting ideas might blossom from this trip!

Ballet & Travel: Funding my Adventures

You might be wondering how I manage to fund these amazing adventures! Well, you can imagine it’s a lot of hard work, but it’s all worth it. I make a living through my ballet performances and classes. It allows me to do what I love most: travel the world, share my passion for dance and ballet, and of course, spread the word about pink tutus!

Each city has its unique vibe – from the charm of Derbyshire to the excitement of Paris. It’s through exploring these places and experiencing their diverse cultures, that my inspiration truly blossoms! It’s the joy of life that feeds my creative spirit and fuels my dancing soul.

Paris - The Tutu Dream City

I truly believe there's no city more magical for a pink-tutu-loving ballerina like myself. There's something about Paris that awakens a special spark – and that's why I'm dedicating a whole blog to this gorgeous city.

If you're reading this, join me in this journey! Share your love of all things pink, fabulous, and graceful. Maybe you’ll even join me on my mission – to spread the joy of pink tutus all around the world! Because wearing a pink tutu isn’t just about the dress, it’s about celebrating life’s simple pleasures and embracing our own individuality. And what better place to embrace it all than Paris?

See you next week with a new batch of Parisian photos and fun - because Paris always leaves me with more than a little pink-tutu-sparkle!

* Au revoir!*

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-12-05 Exploring Paris