Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-12-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris #521 - Saturday 19th December 2009: Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour mes chéries!

It’s Saturday, which means it’s time for another Parisian adventure, straight from the Pink Tutu Blog! Today, I’m spinning with excitement – not just from the delicious croissants I devoured for breakfast (with a side of raspberry jam, of course!), but because this week in Paris has been utterly magical!

This week I arrived by Eurostar, the swish train that whisks me across the Channel in a blink. I have to say, I absolutely adore travelling by train - the chugging rhythm, the glimpse of countryside whizzing by, and the sheer joy of arriving in a new city, ready to explore! And let me tell you, Paris in December is pure Parisian magic. The crisp air, the twinkle lights adorning the streets, the festive’s truly enchanting!

The best part about this trip is, I finally had the chance to catch The Nutcracker! You know me, I'm always up for a bit of ballet magic, but to experience this classic in such a grand theatre - I felt like a little girl again! My eyes were glued to the dancers, the music swept me away, and I even got a little teary at the end. I mean, what’s not to love about a story of bravery, family and magical dancing sweets?

But it wasn't all about the ballet (though it was a big part!). I got lost in the charming Parisian boutiques, searching for the perfect pink scarf and finding a divine tutu that could totally work for a special occasion. (Who knows, maybe I'll even find a ballet performance to debut it in! Maybe a street show… oh the possibilities! ) And naturally, no trip to Paris is complete without indulging in the most delicious pastries. I’m pretty sure I've consumed my weight in macarons this week, and I don’t regret a single crumb! (But perhaps I should hold off on those cream puffs… for now! )

I’ve been to so many incredible places – from the Eiffel Tower (looking fab in my pink tutu, natch!) to the Sacré-Coeur, where I wandered amongst the hustle and bustle of Montmartre, enjoying the unique vibe of the Parisian artists and musicians. It’s a magical mix of traditional charm and edgy coolness. I could wander for days, discovering hidden cafes and quirky vintage shops – you never know what treasures you’ll find around the next corner!

My life motto, you see, is to live life to the fullest, twirling in my tutu along the way. Each adventure, each experience, is an opportunity to inspire and spread the joy of dance – and what’s more joyful than a splash of pink in the world? Just the thought of it makes me feel like twirling in my tutu, skipping through Parisian streets!

Speaking of the world… the news cycle is absolutely packed, but it feels good to just pause, breathe and embrace the simple pleasures. Watching the world dance around me (both literally and metaphorically!) is a balm for my soul. And if I can inspire just one person to don a pink tutu, my little corner of the world feels just a bit brighter.

Until next time, mes chéries! Keep your heads high, twirl with confidence and never forget… the world needs a little more pink in it.

Sending you all a big hug and a sparkly kiss,

Emma, the Pink Tutu Blogger

P.S. Remember to check out the website next Saturday for another installment from my Parisian adventures! Don't forget to let me know what you're doing!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-12-19 Exploring Paris