Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #529: Bonjour, Paris!

Oh, la la! It's Saturday morning, and I'm sitting in my hotel room overlooking the Eiffel Tower, bathed in the golden glow of the rising sun. I can already hear the faint strains of music drifting up from the street below, and the air is alive with the anticipation of another Parisian adventure. Today is my day to explore this enchanting city, to lose myself in its cobbled streets, elegant boutiques, and the whisper of history around every corner. But first, a cup of French coffee and a slice of flaky croissant… then the fun begins!

This is Paris, the city that whispers magic and romance with every sigh of the wind. It's a place where history and fashion intertwine, where old-world charm meets modern flair, and where dreams dance in the cobblestones. And today, my pink tutu and I are ready to dance alongside this captivating city.

My journey began on Thursday, as I boarded the Eurostar train from London. The anticipation for Paris buzzed through the air like electricity. I was practically bursting with excitement as I admired the sweeping countryside from the carriage window.

And Paris, as ever, embraced me with open arms. The moment my feet touched the platform at Gare du Nord, a feeling of warmth and energy enveloped me. It felt like home, in a way. You know, that feeling of familiarity despite the novelty? The friendly taxi driver, the bustling crowds, the smell of fresh croissants and perfume mingling in the air – all of these things felt familiar, and I knew that Paris was a city that I would always want to return to.

Now, let's talk about today's outfit! For this particular Paris adventure, I've paired my favourite blush pink tutu with a sleek black beret and a soft, white silk blouse, accessorized with my trusty pink crossbody bag and a touch of red lipstick. Oh, and my beloved pearl earrings! It's a look that feels both classic and fun, effortlessly feminine and undeniably Parisian.

Before I even stepped outside, my Parisian journey began! Remember my ballet performances? They fund these wonderful adventures, and my first show of this trip was last night! At the magnificent Palais Garnier, the birthplace of the Paris Opera. I saw "La Bayadère" – a stunning, theatrical ballet about love, betrayal, and the search for a spiritual home. It was mesmerizing! The costumes were fabulous, and the dancing, oh, the dancing was simply breathtaking.

My friend, Isabelle, a Parisian designer, met me at the hotel after the ballet for dinner. She whisked me away to a charming little bistro called Le Café du Marais, and it was truly "oui oui" delightful. As we dined on hearty cassoulet and French wines, we talked about life, fashion, and our shared passion for ballet. It was a night to treasure, full of Parisian charm and delicious food.

But this blog isn't just about fancy dinner dates and famous theaters! It's also about the everyday moments that make this city so magical. Walking past street performers and stopping to admire their skill – did you know that you can catch amazing ballet dancers on the streets of Paris? Yes, seriously! They add another dimension to the whole ballet experience, and it truly inspires me. The other day, I even found myself inspired to strike a few poses myself (well, just a little!). I may not have their grace and elegance, but it was still fun to play the part.

Shopping in the vibrant boutiques, feeling the rich fabrics beneath my fingertips and picking up some Parisian treats (hello, macarons!). The joy of discovering hidden gems in charming bookstores, the laughter that echoes through the streets as families share delicious crêpes in the sun... Oh, the magic of Paris!

There are endless possibilities here, each corner promising new sights, scents, and experiences. And my little pink tutu is there to join me in each one, spreading joy and colour wherever we go. My goal? To convince everyone in this incredible city to embrace the tutu magic!

But now, it’s time to get my baguette-fueled day going! Today I plan to visit the Musée Rodin, home to the famous sculptures of Auguste Rodin. The Thinker has been on my "to-see" list for ages. I also want to wander the charming streets of the Marais, home to its lovely boutiques and charming little cafés. I think there might be a particular fabric store there that has caught my eye…

So, here’s to adventure, my darlings! Stay tuned for more Paris adventures next Saturday on Bisous from your Pink Tutu Blogger in Paris!

P.S. What's your favourite thing about Paris? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

And as always, don't forget to follow my pink tutu adventures on Instagram @PinkTutuBlogger! You can also catch my blog on Pinterest at @PinkTutuBlogger.

I can’t wait to share more Parisian escapades with you all next week. Until then, keep twirling!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-13 Exploring Paris