Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #528: A Parisian Promenade!

Bonjour mes amies!

It’s Saturday, the sun is shining, and I'm in Paris! After a whirlwind week performing at the wonderful Derby Dance Theatre (you know, the one with the fabulous chandeliers and the even more fabulous audiences) and earning enough for my Parisian escapades, I’m ready for some serious Parisian adventures. The train journey on EuroStar was, as always, utterly delightful! Who needs first class when you've got a pink tutu and a first class imagination, eh?

This trip I've got a goal in mind, to spread the love of pink tutus throughout the City of Lights! I think a bit of tutu magic is just what Paris needs! After all, isn't it about time Parisians discovered the power of a whimsical pink skirt, the confidence of a ballerina's poise, and the undeniable joy of twirling with abandon?

First Stop: A Parisian Dream in Pink!

No trip to Paris is complete without a little shopping. I’m a sucker for vintage shops and anything that sparkles, and I'm a firm believer that Paris is the perfect place to indulge that penchant! I’m heading straight to Le Marais, my favourite part of Paris. I hear there’s a little boutique full of amazing pink tulle skirts – exactly what I need to perfect my Parisian pink tutu ensemble. Can’t wait!

Fashion Focus:

Today’s look: I’m keeping it classic. My trusty pink tutu with a crisp white shirt, my favourite cardigan (pink, of course), and my cherry-red ballet shoes with a bit of glitz. To top it off, a pink headband with a cute little bow - Parisian chic meets ballet bliss! And, the biggest accessory of all: a beaming smile that’s as bright as a pink tutu.

Parisian Pas de Deux: A Trip to the Opera!

Tonight's highlight? The Paris Opera! The most stunning venue in all of Paris and a real treat for my tutu-loving heart. The ballet tonight is Giselle – such a beautiful, poignant story with stunning choreography! I'm getting all teary just thinking about it! My love of dance runs deep, it's what fuels my adventures, what makes the world twirl a little brighter. Seeing the professionals dance on this legendary stage will be a dream come true!

Bonjour Food: Paris Indulgences!

Of course, no Parisian escapade would be complete without the glorious Parisian cuisine. I’ve got my eye on a cute little café near the Opera, and I hear their pastries are a delight! Can’t wait to grab a delectable macaron and a steaming cup of coffee – I need all the energy for a night of dancing!

Stay tuned, mes chères amies!

More Parisian delights, pink tutu updates, and all the sparkly happenings will be on my next post. So stay tuned next Saturday! Au revoir!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuParis #ParisAdventure #ParisianPink #BalletDreams #FrenchFashion

Emma's Note: I've had so much fun putting together this blog post. This is my favourite part of being a travel blogger - sharing my joy, excitement and, of course, pink tutu adventures with the world! I hope it's inspired you to embrace the magic of a tutu or just add a little bit of pink into your everyday life! What colour do you love most and how do you use it in your wardrobe? Share with me on, I’d love to hear your fashion tips and travel plans.


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-06 Exploring Paris