Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris – Post #527 – A Parisian Adventure Begins!

Bonjour, mes chéries!

This week, the Pink Tutu is fluttering its way through the City of Lights, and I’m so excited to share every sparkling moment with you! Paris, as you all know, is the ultimate dream destination for any ballet-obsessed fashionista, and I simply had to make the trip to immerse myself in its magical atmosphere.

Last Friday, I embarked on my EuroStar adventure from London’s St. Pancras station. Now, I don’t know about you lot, but travelling by train is my absolute favourite. You’ve got plenty of time to sit back, relax, and dream about the delights awaiting you on the other side, and a big plus – the window seats afford the most wonderful views! As we sped through the English countryside, the landscape became more and more picturesque until the Channel Tunnel loomed up ahead, taking us on an undersea journey to France! The thrill of crossing borders, seeing new towns and scenery whizz by – it’s a sensation I could never tire of!

Arriving in the Gare du Nord, my heart began to skip a beat. Just inhaling the air, with that uniquely Parisian scent of freshly baked croissants, perfume, and a hint of something a little more… Parisian, it all felt magical! From there, it was a short hop in a cab to my perfectly pink boutique hotel in the heart of the Marais. And yes, ladies, it has a tutu-shaped bath – you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of having a soak in such a delightful contraption!

Saturday morning, of course, had to be about breakfast at a traditional Parisian patisserie. Oh my word, the pastries are a symphony of colours, flavours, and textures. It took me a good half-hour to choose which buttery, sugared, cream-filled masterpieces I wanted, and I’m still having sugar dreams about those lemon tarts.

Once properly fuelled for the day, I started my grand tour of Parisian wonders. Naturally, my first stop was the Musée du Louvre – home to, as you all know, Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece – the Mona Lisa. Now, while her enigmatic smile might make even the most glamorous of ladies look like a dull duckling in comparison, the Louvre offers so much more! From ancient Egyptian sarcophagi and breathtaking Roman sculptures, to paintings from all periods – you really could spend days getting lost in the corridors of this treasure trove of artistic history.

In the afternoon, I wandered around the vibrant Latin Quarter, soaking up the ambiance. I popped into several vintage boutiques and unearthed a vintage Chanel bag that would put even Mademoiselle herself in a whirl – absolutely thrilled! Then, after a delicious quiche and a pot of tea in a cafe by the Seine, I headed for the legendary Palais Garnier, the majestic home of the Paris Opera. The ornate architecture was something out of a fairytale and the sight of the golden interior made my breath catch in my throat – how do we humans achieve such things? Truly, this place is worthy of a princess!

The grand performance itself was, of course, nothing short of sublime! An incredible interpretation of La Bayadère, with breathtaking choreography and magnificent costumes – oh my, I am still completely mesmerised!

My Parisian odyssey continues – tomorrow is ballet class, with the best teacher in the world – Monsieur Dubois! (Fingers crossed for a new tutu - you just have to love a spot of ballet-related shopping)!

Join me next week, my lovely readers, for more exciting pink-tutu-clad adventures from the City of Lights – I’ll be revealing where I had my ultimate croissant – you wouldn’t believe it, you have to hear this story!

Until then, may your lives be filled with all the pink, fluffy goodness imaginable, and don't forget to check out my fabulous dance outfit for the class - I've chosen my brightest, pointiest pink tutu just for the occasion.

Sending you all French kisses and sparkling sequins,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-30 Exploring Paris