Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-23 Exploring Paris

Paris, Je T'aime! - Post #526

Saturday, 2010-01-23

Bonjour mes chéries!

This Saturday's blog post comes to you straight from the City of Lights, Paris! The air is crisp and a touch chilly, but the sun is shining brightly, illuminating the Eiffel Tower and the charming cafes lining the streets. I'm feeling wonderfully inspired and utterly smitten with Paris. This city truly does have a special magic, don't you think?

You may be wondering how I managed to get here, especially given the current state of the economy (and those dreaded fuel costs!). Well, as always, I am ever resourceful. Thanks to some lovely performances at the Derbyshire Playhouse and a string of fantastic ballet classes with the talented youngsters at my local studio, I managed to squeeze in a little trip to Paris. Of course, there's no way I'd travel anywhere without my lucky pink tutu in tow, so naturally, she's nestled in my suitcase right now, eagerly awaiting the adventure that awaits.

The journey over on the Eurostar was utterly delightful. I settled into my first-class compartment with my beloved book of Proust, "In Search of Lost Time" (don't worry, I know I should be reading in French, but I have to confess to my weakness for the English translation!) and a decadent little pot of Earl Grey tea. My window offered an ever-changing panorama of fields and towns flashing past, before culminating in the sheer thrill of gliding through the magnificent Channel Tunnel. Such a feeling of excitement – I practically skipped off the train upon reaching Gare du Nord!

Once we arrived in Paris, the atmosphere was absolutely electric. I swear, you could just feel the magic in the air! It wasn't just the charm of the old-world buildings or the Parisian chic I see all around, but something deeper, something more mysterious and intoxicating. The city pulsed with life, with energy, with laughter, with joy, and all I could think was – this is my kind of place!

As a woman who loves shopping as much as she loves a good ballet performance (maybe even more!), Paris was like a dream come true. I've spent the last two days scouring the streets for the perfect pink outfit to complement my cherished tutu. A darling boutique on rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré gave me some truly irresistible choices. Think silky pink camisoles, flowing skirts that whispered when I moved, and jackets adorned with tiny pink flowers - utterly heavenly!

But Paris is not only about clothes shopping, though it is a glorious temptation! Today, I indulged my inner dancer and bought a beautiful, delicate pink ballerina necklace from a charming street vendor in Montmartre. The perfect accessory for my tutu and the perfect reminder of this wonderful city. I already know this will be a much-loved treasure.

But of course, I couldn't spend a weekend in Paris without seeing a performance, especially one featuring some beautiful choreography and fabulous tutus! Today's pick? The ballet "Giselle" at the Palais Garnier. It was nothing short of magnificent. The dancers, oh the dancers, were sublime! Every turn, every leap, every step radiated power and grace, leaving me feeling completely entranced. As the final notes faded away, I realised how deeply I'm already missing this enchanting city and its ability to leave me with so many beautiful memories.

Now, I am going to try to catch a glimpse of the city lights, perhaps from the terrace of a quaint little cafe, maybe with a flute of champagne and a plate of decadent macarons. Oh, Paris, you are such a dream!

Till next Saturday, my lovelies, au revoir!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-23 Exploring Paris