Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-27 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-27: Paris, Je t'aime!

Bonjour, my darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm so excited to be back with you for #PinkTutuBlogParis, post number 531! As always, I'm writing to you straight from the heart of Paris, the City of Lights, the fashion capital of the world, and most importantly - my favourite city on the planet!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind, and it all started with a journey on the fabulous EuroStar. I can't get enough of that train, it's like stepping into a different world. So comfortable, so elegant, and with a bit of luck you can even spot a fellow tutu-wearer - which happened to me this time! It felt like the whole carriage was shimmering with pink, and let me tell you, it was the most fantastic feeling.

Speaking of shimmering, this trip has been all about sparkle! It began with the most gorgeous ballet performance at the Palais Garnier, "La Bayadère" by the Paris Opera Ballet. My jaw practically dropped open! The costumes, the music, the passion, and of course, the dancers themselves. It truly was a magical evening, and my own pink tutu felt utterly fitting amidst the elegant grandeur of the Palais Garnier.

The following day, I was feeling so inspired that I had to indulge in a bit of retail therapy. Who can resist a trip to Galeries Lafayette, the haven of designer delights? This week, they were celebrating Valentine's Day in all its pink glory, and I had to grab myself a fabulous heart-shaped handbag – a perfect Parisian treat, don’t you think?

Now, no visit to Paris would be complete without some street theatre, and this weekend did not disappoint. On Saturday afternoon, I found myself completely engrossed by a show near Notre Dame, where a group of performers brought the classic story of "Beauty and the Beast" to life right before my eyes! They were incredible, so full of life and energy, it had me smiling the whole way through. Oh, and you guessed it, the Beast’s costume involved a tutu! (Don’t tell him I told you!).

But my biggest treat of the trip had to be a class at the Paris Opera Ballet school. I know, right?! It was everything I'd hoped for and more. The studios are simply beautiful, filled with that unique scent of wood and dust and all things dance, and the teachers were absolutely amazing!

To be honest, I might have slightly overestimated my pirouette skills - a little wobble here and there - but what a way to improve, surrounded by such incredible talent!

And to think, it was all funded by another one of my amazing ballet performances back home in Derbyshire. The magic of the ballet world, eh? Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love sharing my adventures, from backstage to grand stages, to Paris fashion and street performances, and with each and every trip, my love for ballet grows and grows!

So until next week, remember to stay sparkly and to always embrace your inner ballerina! After all, there's nothing more fabulous than rocking a pink tutu, and who knows, maybe you'll even catch a glimpse of yours truly on a Parisian street one day!

With love and pirouettes,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-02-27 Exploring Paris