Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-04-10 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post 537)

Saturday 10th April, 2010

Oh my goodness, darlings! It feels utterly magical to be typing this from a Parisian cafe, my favourite pink tutu twirling ever so slightly as I sip on a perfectly frothy cappuccino. I've arrived in the City of Lights! Paris! How fabulous is that?! It’s the perfect weekend getaway for a pink tutu wearing ballerina like myself.

And you know what's even more magical? I got here on the EuroStar. I must say, the journey itself felt like a scene out of a fairytale! From my little corner seat, I gazed out at the lush English countryside, transformed into a shimmering tapestry of green as we sped through tunnels and over bridges. The sleek, modern train felt like a luxurious cocoon, with the promise of Parisian adventures waiting at the end of the journey. The journey is as much a part of the trip as the destination!

This little weekend trip has been a long time coming. Remember how I mentioned how I was saving up all my performance fees to treat myself to something special? Well, that something special is Paris! It's been a lifelong dream, and I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to immerse myself in the city's beauty, charm, and of course, its exquisite fashion.

Speaking of which! My pink tutu wardrobe for Paris has been carefully curated. It's packed with a medley of elegant and whimsical numbers - a pink and white tutu with a delicate feather boa, a vibrant pink satin tutu with crystal embellishments, a flirty tulle skirt, and even a pair of rose-gold pumps that are begging to be twirled! I can't wait to embrace the Parisian vibe with my own unique brand of pink tutu glamour.

Now, let me fill you in on what this magical weekend holds for my pink-loving self! I have a little itinerary that's crammed full of delightful things:

Day 1 (Today!):

First and foremost, shopping, darlings! I've got a list longer than a ballet barre! There's an amazing boutique on rue Saint-Honoré that carries the most beautiful Parisian lace dresses, and let's not forget the designer shops on the Champs-Élysées! Oh, I’m just dreaming of a blush pink Valentino or a chic Chanel ensemble! But most of all, I simply cannot resist an afternoon exploring the Parisian vintage shops, hoping to find a special pink tutu to add to my collection!

Once I've indulged in some serious retail therapy, I'm going to have a late lunch in the heart of Montmartre, that hilltop bohemian district where so many artists have found inspiration. They say the cafes there are the most charming places to dine in all of Paris. It will be a chance to take in the scenery and maybe even sketch a few Parisian sketches of my own in my pink and black sketchbook (oh how I adore my pink tutu themed stationery!)

And then, the moment I've been eagerly anticipating - the Paris Opera! Can you believe it? Tonight, I'll be attending a performance of Swan Lake. I'm so thrilled - It's an evening filled with music, art, and, of course, ballerinas. You can imagine how exciting it is to see Swan Lake in the very city that birthed so many iconic ballet classics. It’s pure magic, a moment in time when history, art, and glamour coalesce in one spectacular performance. My pink tutu is already packing an extra-special dose of elegance for this Parisian night!

Day 2:

On Sunday, it's time to take a break from the whirlwind of Parisian shopping and immerse myself in its rich culture. I've got my heart set on seeing a classic French film in a quirky, vintage cinema in the Latin Quarter. Paris is simply oozing with cinema history, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to delve into the world of French filmmaking! A beautiful movie followed by an authentic cafe latte, just a perfect blend of relaxation and discovery.

Day 3:

This is the day for all things art, darlings! I've planned to visit the Louvre Museum. The Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo – those iconic works of art have captivated artists and thinkers for centuries. And how could I resist exploring such breathtaking art? I’m hoping to draw some inspiration for my own art! Oh, and there’s a special exhibition dedicated to Parisian fashion that I simply must see!

Finally, for my last evening, I'll take a little boat trip down the Seine River and see Paris illuminated at night! It's one of those truly iconic views that will etch itself forever into my memories. I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower shimmering against the backdrop of a clear Parisian sky - the perfect ending to my Parisian dream.

Well, darlings, it’s getting late here. My French pastry has been consumed, my coffee sipped, and it’s time to explore Paris. I’m going to enjoy every second of it! Don't worry, I’ll fill you in on all the details next week - the shops I loved, the best places to see, and what a fantastic French tutu I'm taking back to Derbyshire with me! In the meantime, make sure to keep visiting my blog, and let’s keep the pink tutu spirit alive! Adieu!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-04-10 Exploring Paris