Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-05-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post #540 - A Saturday Soiree in the City of Lights 🩰💖

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Emma here, back with another Parisian escapade for you lovely lot! This weekend has been utterly magnifique, as I took a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights on the Eurostar - the most glamorous way to travel, I say. The journey was like stepping into a fairy tale, and frankly, the little bit of pre-Paris sparkle made the excitement even more heightened. After all, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, all of those fantastic Parisian delights, were just around the corner.

As usual, this week I have a fabulous collection of stories and photos for you. Remember how much I love theatre, the theatre district is like a haven for me and this time around I saw one of the most stunning shows - Moulin Rouge! Let's just say that feathers, sequins, and lots of can-can really make for an unforgettable night.

I can't possibly blog about a Paris trip without talking about fashion! And ooh la la, Paris was simply teeming with sartorial inspiration. Every Parisian seemed to possess an effortless chic, a look that makes you think “how did she make that look so simple yet so divine? *” There were just so many beautiful garments that I wanted to rip off mannequins and try on in the middle of the street! (But alas, a fellow tutu wearer must learn to exercise restraint. 😅) I was particularly drawn to the exquisite lace designs I saw in the vintage shops - oh, my heart was simply *beating for some beautiful frothy layers, but luckily I held firm!

Naturally, no Parisian journey would be complete without a stop at Ladurée for some divine macarons, a perfect pastel-hued confection for any tutu-loving blogger, right?

However, no visit to Paris is complete without a ballet. This week I saw a phenomenal production of "The Sleeping Beauty," which sent my love of all things pirouette and pointe soaring to a whole new level! I nearly shed a tear during the pas de deux, which is why it’s so great I had those Ladurée macarons ready to eat – I wouldn't want any tears to smudge my perfectly applied makeup. My fellow tutus know how important that is, especially when taking a glamorous shot with the Eiffel Tower in the background. You know you’ll want to get a fabulous Insta shot while you’re there – it’s just essential! But that’s enough of a sneak peak – I’ve got to leave you wanting more, right? Now, buckle up my fellow tutus, because here’s the real treat!

My Paris Adventures, A Visual Treat!

Image of Emma in front of the Eiffel Tower, a pink tutu flaring beautifully.

You know me – I just can’t go anywhere without a photo in a pretty pink tutu. This picture was taken on my first evening in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower, as the sun set casting a golden glow. I'll be honest, that first look at the Eiffel Tower brought tears to my eyes – truly stunning, don’t you think? It’s so grand, and that glow? Unforgettable!

Image of Emma posing outside a charming French café, wearing a chic black beret with a pink tutu and holding a glass of wine

As you can see, even with my trusty pink tutu, I’m happy to embrace the Parisian spirit and get my beret on! The cafes here in Paris are just magical – so full of charm and delicious treats, you’d think they are taken straight from a French film. I even dared to try the local wine with my macaron – you’ll have to admit, that's how a Parisian ballerina truly indulges, wouldn't you say? It’s not everyday I get to unwind with a delicious treat in such beautiful surroundings, I’m telling you – I made sure to savor every minute.

Image of Emma with a stack of pink macarons, in front of Ladurée’s iconic shop in Paris, smiling widely and holding up a pink macaron.

I mentioned the Ladurée macarons before, didn't I? I couldn't resist a few treats, as they looked too pretty not to grab! This delightful pastry shop was like stepping into a beautiful wonderland, filled with delicate sweets in every shade of pink, which is absolutely perfect for my sartorial soul! I couldn't have asked for a prettier pink-themed escapade.

Image of Emma inside a boutique, holding up a delicate lace dress, with an adoring expression

This photo was taken inside one of the most amazing boutique shops in Paris, a hidden gem full of vintage finds. I simply adore lace dresses and found one that had me in complete awe – a whimsical vintage number. I simply had to grab a shot of it before it slipped out of my grasp (and believe me, I just had to try it on and nearly burst my tulle-budget!), and although the boutique owner might think me bonkers for wearing my pink tutu, I don't care, it just made sense to me, right? 😉 It was the ultimate statement piece, like a ballet dancer dressed for the Moulin Rouge! I mean, can you even imagine?

Image of Emma taking a photo with a couple who are wearing matching tutus, at the Ballet National de Paris, with a mischievous look in her eyes and a thumbs up gesture.

The Ballet National de Paris… a real dream for a tutu-wearing ballerina like myself! And here's a confession - you might want to hold your tu-tus, because on my last evening, I managed to convince two fellow ballet lovers to wear a pink tutu! It might not be on quite the scale I envision – everyone wearing pink tutus across the globe! – but you've got to admit, these were two dedicated tutu-wearing devotees and I had to snap a picture for you all! Maybe someday they will start a #PinkTutuRevolution. A girl can dream! They even managed to find a lovely ballerina themed cafe in the Theatre district and took me to see the final performance of "Swan Lake!" It was magical!

Image of Emma walking past the Louvre with her arms full of Parisian purchases – beautiful clothes and scarves – in front of the famous glass pyramid.

Well, this last picture sums it all up! Shopping was absolutely essential on this Paris trip! I am very much a believer that there is something truly magic about Parisian clothes - a certain je ne sais quoi, perhaps? 😉 There’s always a little bit of the dancer’s spirit in how they drape the fabrics. I spent ages browsing the little boutiques around the Seine and picking out lovely things for my Parisian-themed ballerina wardrobe! The most interesting item? A beautiful scarf - so soft, flowing and in a stunning emerald green! It was the perfect accessory for every ballerina – tutu or no tutu!

And there you have it – another incredible Paris escapade done and dusted! From fabulous fashion to breathtaking shows, there's no doubt I'm already itching for another visit! Don’t forget, dear readers – every day should feel like an elegant Parisian adventure – in a pink tutu or out! I can't wait to tell you all about my next Parisian escapade – and maybe a little more about my #PinkTutuRevolution, too! Until next week – bisous from your ballet blogger, Emma!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-05-01 Exploring Paris