Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-06-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post Number 548!

Bonjour mes amis!

Well, it's Saturday again and the pink tutu has made it to the City of Lights! Paris, darling, oh Paris! I know you're probably all expecting a tutu-clad jaunt to the Eiffel Tower or a pink-hued performance at the Opéra Garnier - and maybe you won't be disappointed, wink wink. But this week's post is all about the journey, the sheer joy of travelling by Eurostar. The clickety-clack, the smell of coffee and croissant from the cafe car - it all just whispers "Paris, here I come!" And frankly, my darlings, this trip was all about that Parisian feeling, not just the destination itself.

Now, some of you may know I'm from Derbyshire - think rolling hills and charming village teashops - but let's just say, a Derbyshire lass does enjoy her sophisticated escapes!

This week I’ve managed to squeeze in another exciting performance, thank goodness. Did you know there's this incredible ballet company in Nottingham? Honestly, these guys are phenomenal, pure talent. It's what funds my adventures, you see - I know, such a glamorous life. A pink tutu AND a stage life?! Isn’t that just a fairytale ending waiting to happen?

The journey to Paris by train is truly a delight, darling. The Eurostar just adds that little extra something special to the experience. There's that hint of elegance - the comfy seating, the excellent cafe car and, of course, those amazing views across the countryside as we zoomed through Europe. You know you're on your way to somewhere amazing when you hear that first whistle of the train pulling out of London. Pure magic, darling!

But back to my Parisian pursuits... Saturday 26th of June was quite a whirlwind! You know how much I love the shows - ahem, who doesn’t? I took a whirl through some Parisian performance halls, with an afternoon dedicated to the Musée du Quai Branly. It’s a little different from my usual ballet routines, I’ll admit, but darling, just imagine it! So much history, such fascinating artistry. Plus, I found the most adorable vintage brooch for my pink tutu! You know how much I adore accessorising...

You wouldn’t believe what I found at a Parisian vintage store, quelle surprise - the most magnificent collection of 1950s-style pink tutu-esque petticoats! Can you imagine the dancing possibilities?! I was tempted to start twirling in the middle of the shop, but alas, I kept my decorum... at least this time!

Now, of course, it's not a trip to Paris without indulging in a spot of shopping, am I right? My darling, the vintage finds were divine! I unearthed an absolute beauty - a pink cashmere sweater from the 1930s that screamed Paris elegance and, of course, complemented my favourite colour perfectly! And wouldn't you know it, a perfectly pink hat to match! This is the kind of shopping that makes a girl’s heart truly flutter.

After a delicious dinner at oh, how can I forget? this quaint cafe by the Seine! My Parisian evening culminated with a magical ballet class at a small but incredible school tucked away in a side street in Montmartre. A little bit of London and a whole lot of Parisian flair, with the most beautiful music that made my toes practically dance on their own!

This post wouldn't be complete without some pink inspiration for you lovely lot! I think a pink tutu goes fabulously well with a Parisian flair! And don’t you worry, I’ll have photos and outfit suggestions coming up next week – a tutu-themed Parisian fashion extravaganza is definitely in the works, darlings! Stay tuned!

This trip has certainly fuelled the flames of my love affair with Paris and all that comes with it! And oh darling, what would my Parisian adventures be without my beautiful pink tutu? The ultimate Paris accessory, if I do say so myself. It truly is the key to a truly glamorous experience, a whimsical spin through the streets of this iconic city!

Until next week, mes amies. Au revoir!

*Pink Tutu, Always and Forever, *


*Don't forget to check out Pink Tutu Blog at for weekly updates, outfits and more pink inspiration! *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-06-26 Exploring Paris