Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-06-19 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-06-19: Parisian Pinkness!

Bonjour, mon chérie! This week, I'm waltzing into the City of Lights, ready to sprinkle some pink glitter on the cobbled streets! This is Post No. 547 in my ever-expanding Pink Tutu blog, and my first foray into the French capital.

You know I live for adventure, especially when it's all about ballet, fashion and, of course, that magnificent shade of pink.

I must say, I'm absolutely buzzing. The journey on the Eurostar was smooth as silk, a delightful respite after all the pirouette-heavy rehearsals for my upcoming performance at the Buxton Opera House (you know, the one where I’m attempting that daring fouetté sequence!).

Stepping Into A Dream:
I landed at Gare du Nord feeling like Cinderella stepping into her fairy tale. The smell of freshly baked croissants hit me right in the nose, and that was only surpassed by the exquisite French style flowing effortlessly from every street corner.

We found our hotel, a charming little place just off the Champs-Élysées. It's overflowing with delicate chandeliers and floral prints - perfect for my girly, pink-tutu-loving self! The room is adorned with a vintage ballet poster, a real collector's item, so of course I'll be posing with it for a blog pic later!

Daytime Parisian Delights:
We've only been here for a couple of hours, and I've already spotted several tutu-wearing fashionistas! Paris truly does seem to embrace a little whimsy, much to my delight. It’s been all about exploring so far.

The Eiffel Tower: That's the thing you know you have to see. Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to begin. It's beautiful beyond words. The twinkling lights at sunset, the sweeping vistas over the city… and, yes, I danced with glee on the top (okay, a tiny bit of a twirl, really).

Le Jardin des Plantes: The most delightful green space I've ever been in! There's so much to see – botanical gardens, a menagerie with giraffes, zebras, penguins - oh, I love penguins! It felt like a ballet performance under a sun-dappled canopy! I wore my pink tulle dress and ballet flats and it all just flowed effortlessly - Paris truly was meant to be twirled in.

Dinner Time: Indulge and Swirl:
For dinner, we dined like true Parisian princesses at a delightful bistro, just a hop skip and jump from the hotel. The service was impeccable (French men in crisp white shirts with red berets are very appealing!), and the food was divine! There were caramelized onions in the side dish with the steak and we all had that Parisian favourite - the escargot, served in a little pan. We all decided to keep it chic and girly with the champagne for the aperitif - you only get to celebrate being in Paris for the first time once!

Cultural Sojourn:
Speaking of "once in a lifetime," we booked tickets for an exclusive Ballet National de Marseille show at the Palais Garnier Opera House. It’s the same place that inspired The Phantom of the Opera, by the way, and you all know that Phantom is so my thing.

This show, oh dear, it was just stunning! The dancers, the costumes, the music… pure ballet magic. The Palais Garnier is beautifully grand - the grandeur that suits a ballet, it's almost as if you are part of the stage show from the moment you enter! I am dreaming about those costumes; I already have visions of some for my own dance performances - with maybe a touch of pink tulle and feather boas... it might have to wait until after my Paris adventures!

A Touch of Pink on the Parisian Canvas: Oh, Paris, my dear Paris! It’s a real challenge not to write about my love of Paris right now, but I really should get to the shops... It’s just been such a day filled with ballet, fashion, and just plain loveliness! You all know about my Pink Tutu and my little dream, of getting every single person in the world to put on a pink tutu… But what if we also made everyone a Parisienne? (Well, not everyone, just every girl who wants to feel confident, playful, and pretty)

The shops… that's for another day…but it all ties into this dream of mine…of the Parisian attitude that so easily combines sophistication, style and elegance with whimsy, charm and fun. That's the Parisienne.

*It's Saturday and Paris time for *Pink Tutu, so don't forget to head over to the website to check out all my Paris blog posts!

Next week: shopping adventures with my friends, more pink tulle, and a Parisian picnic with a difference… you won’t want to miss it!

Au revoir!

Emma xx**

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-06-19 Exploring Paris