Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-05-14 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 594: Parisian Dreams & Tutu Delights! (Saturday 2011-05-14)

Bonjour mes amies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back with another Paris adventure. As you know, I've been dreaming of this trip for months and thanks to my latest ballet performance, I managed to fund a trip to the City of Lights! I always get such a thrill hopping on the EuroStar - it's like magic whisking you away to a new land!

This time, I'm going to be experiencing Paris in all its pink glory, with lots of tutu-related fun, ballet shows and, of course, fabulous shopping! And if there's a way to incorporate a few cute cafes with my favourite Parisian treats - croissants and macarons - well, you know I'll be all over that!

Pink Perfection at Gare du Nord

Stepping off the train at Gare du Nord, I felt that familiar Parisian buzz – a blend of excitement and energy that’s hard to beat. And my dear readers, what did I see? A pink taxi! Yes, it really was the most divine shade of pink you ever did see! It almost felt like destiny had whispered in my ear "Emma, Paris is ready for your tutu magic!" And how could I resist snapping a selfie with this fabulous vehicle? Of course, my pink tutu provided the perfect pop of colour for the photo.

A Tête-à-tête with the Eiffel Tower

No visit to Paris is complete without a glimpse of the iconic Eiffel Tower! I grabbed a picnic basket full of macarons and strawberries and took a leisurely stroll along the Seine. What could be more enchanting than enjoying sweet treats under the watchful gaze of the Eiffel Tower, the sunset painting the sky with glorious shades of pink and orange?

The tower, resplendent in its metal beauty, reminded me of a grand ballet set - majestic and yet delicately intricate, a testament to human creativity and artistry. It felt so inspiring.

A Ballerina's Parisian Delights

And of course, Paris is brimming with ballet opportunities. Today, I managed to snag tickets to the Palais Garnier for the Paris Opera Ballet's production of "Swan Lake." The grandeur of the venue was enough to make any ballet enthusiast swoon. I was entranced by the breathtaking choreography, the intricate costumes, and the powerful performance. It left me feeling truly inspired, like I was dancing on clouds myself.

I later strolled through the Latin Quarter, which, in my opinion, has to be one of the most charming places in the world. It's brimming with energy and creativity, and I found myself swept away by the lively music, delicious smells wafting from patisseries and cafes, and beautiful bookstores. It truly felt like I was in the heart of Paris.

Fashion Fiesta in the Marais District

My love for all things fashionable, naturally, took me to the Marais district, known for its unique and trendy boutiques. I found myself browsing through shops that catered to the eclectic Parisian style - from vintage stores brimming with treasures, to modern boutiques showcasing cutting-edge designs.

There I was, swooning over vintage gowns, sparkling tutu-inspired garments and even a few Parisian women wearing pink tutus, just like me! (Maybe, just maybe, my dream of a pink tutu revolution is starting to take off in the City of Lights! ) And to complete the Parisian dream, I treated myself to a pair of adorable ballet flats with delicate pink ribbons. After all, every ballerina needs comfortable shoes for a day filled with sightseeing and shopping adventures.

From Pink Tutu to Pink-Hued Parisian Nights

My Parisian journey continues, and I’m absolutely smitten. From delicious treats, enchanting architecture and inspiring ballet, to charming streets filled with stylish delights and the gentle glow of pink lights, this city has my heart completely! I have so many exciting experiences in store – a trip to the Louvre, a visit to the Jardin du Luxembourg (the greenest spot in Paris!), more shopping excursions, perhaps another ballet performance - the possibilities seem endless.

Paris has a way of captivating your senses. It’s a city of romance, of culture, and of beautiful dreams, much like the pink tutu that represents everything that makes this trip special. I'll keep you posted with more Parisian escapades on next Saturday, so do check back!

Au revoir, mes amies, until then!

Emma xx

P.S. What are your Parisian must-dos? I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below and don't forget to check out the gorgeous photos I've been adding to my Instagram (@EmmaPinkTutu)!

P.P.S. Let's keep the pink tutu dream alive! Share your #PinkTutuParis selfies on Instagram. I'll be posting the most creative ones!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-05-14 Exploring Paris