Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-07-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #602 - Saturday 2011-07-09: A Day of Parisian Delights!

Bonjour from Paris, darlings! It's Saturday, the 9th of July, and my heart is practically bursting with Parisian joy. It feels absolutely surreal to be here in this city of lights, fashion, and – oh yes, darling – ballet! It’s simply divine, like stepping onto a fairytale stage.

This week has been whirlwind-esque. Remember how I was off performing with the Derby Ballet in Nottingham last weekend? Well, the weekend after, my dearest Mum decided to whisk me off for a little birthday treat, a five-day Parisian extravaganza. So here we are, me and my suitcase overflowing with tulle and silk (and the perfect amount of pink, naturally).

And let me tell you, arriving by Eurostar is pure luxury! That sleek silver train gliding through the countryside, leaving behind the bustle of’s an experience! I even snuck a sneaky rehearsal session in first class (all that extra space to pirouette!).

Our little hotel, perched on a quiet side street near the Eiffel Tower, is utterly charming – a Parisian dream, really! I haven’t even left my room without squealing in delight at the gorgeous balconies and the little cobblestone streets, which remind me of those charming French films!

Parisian Delights: A Ballet of Experiences

Right, darling, let’s get down to the real reason for this post – Parisian fun! The first thing we did after settling in, naturally, was a spot of shopping. Now, if there’s one place in the world made for pink tulle and sequined ballerinas, it’s Paris. I’m telling you, the clothes shops were pure heaven – rows upon rows of whimsical Parisian styles just waiting to be whisked away and danced in! Mum and I both emerged with a mountain of gorgeous finds.

After an afternoon of indulging our inner fashionistas, we treated ourselves to the most decadent macarons I’ve ever tasted at this adorable little patisserie – each one a work of art. (Let's be honest, even the macarons wear pink here!) I could practically taste the French pastries while twirling down the Champs-Élysées in my new pink tutu dress!

And speaking of twirling, my dearest Mum and I made a pilgrimage to the legendary Palais Garnier – the opera house where all my favourite ballerinas dance. Walking into that grand space, surrounded by all that beautiful architecture, was absolutely breathtaking. Even my heart did a little arabesque. I felt so connected to the generations of ballerinas who have graced this very stage before me.

Today's Parisian Pas de Deux

Today's plan is a true ballet lover’s dream: a morning spent exploring the world of ballet at the Opéra Garnier. You see, my dear, they offer these incredible backstage tours that take you behind the scenes. I can barely contain my excitement. I just know I’ll be coming home with stories, photographs, and maybe even a few secret tricks from the Parisian ballet stars themselves!

Tonight, we’re taking in a stunning performance at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. My inner ballerina is bubbling with excitement just thinking about the grace and artistry that will be unfolding on stage. My eyes are glued to the Parisian program as we speak, trying to catch a glimpse of the magic that awaits.

Of course, it’s all part of the great “Pink Tutu Revolution.” Paris, darling, it's going to be so much fun turning you a little bit pink with all our twirls and graceful movements!

A Few Pink Touches for Your Week

Don’t forget, darlings! Here are a few ways to infuse a touch of Parisian elegance into your week, pink tutu style:

  • Pink Tutu Fashion: Add a splash of pink to your wardrobe with a delicate scarf or a sparkly brooch!
  • Ballet in the Park: Find a spot of green and practise your barre exercises (a classic pink tutu never goes out of style in the park, of course).
  • Parisian Glamour: Indulge in a Parisian treat – a delicious macaron, perhaps!

Until next Saturday, keep twirling and stay beautiful!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-07-09 Exploring Paris