Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris! #PinkTutuBlogParis (Post 606)

Bonjour, mes chérie!

It's Saturday, the 6th of August, and the sunshine is simply divine. Paris is practically shimmering in the warm light, like a perfectly polished ballet shoe! I can't believe I'm finally here! My little heart is aflutter with excitement and I'm practically bouncing with glee. I've arrived in Paris, darling, Paris!

This is post number 606 on the Pink Tutu blog, and what a magical milestone to celebrate! It's always been my dream to travel the world in my beloved pink tutu. My pink tutu is more than just a garment, it's a symbol of joy, empowerment, and, let's be honest, fabulousness! It takes me places, to beautiful countries like this glorious City of Lights! And, in case you're wondering, it absolutely travelled by Eurostar with me! Can you imagine trying to fit a tutu in an airline cabin? A recipe for disaster! Not a chance! Trains, darling, all the way. So comfortable and the scenery is divine, a perfect setting for a day of dreaming in your pink tutu, just like I was doing.

And darling, if you're dreaming of coming to Paris, then let me tell you, it doesn't disappoint. The Eiffel Tower is as majestic as I'd imagined, the cobbled streets, oh so charming, and the's just so full of romance and history. I practically skipped through the Champs-Élysées this morning, humming a waltz as I took it all in!

For this trip, I funded my travel with my ballet performances. I simply cannot imagine a life without ballet, it's in my blood! And there's something incredibly empowering about expressing yourself through the graceful art of dance. My performances help me share this passion, and thankfully, it means I can dance my way around the world, literally!

Now, you might be wondering, Emma, what exactly is it you get up to in Paris? Well, it's like a fairytale! There's always a captivating ballet show happening, whether it's in the grand Opera Garnier or in a small, charming theatre hidden away in Montmartre. It's the thrill of the unexpected, a magical waltz of discovery that keeps me coming back for more. I saw an incredible rendition of "La Bayadère" this afternoon - oh, the sheer elegance!

And, darling, you simply cannot leave Paris without an indulgence in the local shops! You already know how much I love my pink tutus and chic frocks. Today, I found a darling little boutique on a hidden cobbled street - tucked away in the heart of the Latin Quarter, if you can believe it. I came home with the most adorable hatbox brimming with the finest lace gloves, and you wouldn't believe the most spectacular velvet beret I found! The lady even gave me a complimentary pink ribbon! This beret will look stunning with my new, cherry-red dancing shoes, just wait and see!

But fashion is not all about the fancy clothes. It's about confidence and finding your own unique style. This week, my inspiration is a true Parisian chic. Think sleek silhouettes, graceful flowy skirts, and a touch of vintage elegance. It’s about making your outfit tell a story and adding your own unique spin on the classic style.

Speaking of unique style, darling, have you heard of 'Ballet Street'? I'm smitten with the trend of combining ballet moves into streetwear fashion! It's fun, fresh, and embodies that Parisian elegance with a hint of playful rebellion. I even saw a young Parisian dancer sporting a bright pink tutu over her jeans today. Now that's what I call chic!

For the rest of my week, I'm planning on spending more time exploring. The Louvre, the Notre Dame, and I'm even going to take a leisurely boat ride along the Seine - maybe with a glass of champagne, just for the pure romance of it all! And I'll be making sure I visit the charming streets of Montmartre and lose myself in its artistic vibe.

I can already feel the creative juices flowing, and who knows, maybe I'll even try out a little "ballet street" dancing myself. Maybe my new beret will be the perfect accessory?

But before I go, darling, remember: life is a ballet, and we're all starring in our own performance. Wear your heart on your sleeve, dance with joy, and never stop believing in the magic of pink tutus.

Au revoir, and keep those tutus twirling!

Lots of love,

Emma xox

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-06 Exploring Paris