Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #607 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Oh, la la! Bonjour from a sunshine-soaked Paris, darlings! It's Saturday, and as you all know, it's the day I dedicate to my Parisian adventures, my favourite city in the whole wide world!

This week, I took a rather exciting trip aboard the Eurostar, and trust me, the only thing more elegant than a high-speed train is a tutu-wearing traveller on board! I felt like a ballerina princess gliding through the countryside, my pink tutu swirling as we zoomed past the green fields of England and into the heart of France. You see, the tutu is truly a universal language, it doesn't matter if you're in Derbyshire, London, or Paris, it just speaks to your soul!

I've been pouring over my Paris itinerary and my oh-my-goodness, there is SO MUCH to see and do! I’m here for a whole week, so get ready for a whirlwind of fashion, food, ballet, and all things fabulous. I know you all adore a little Paris inspo, so sit back with a glass of French rosé (or maybe even a cheeky kir royale) and enjoy the ride!

A Day of Parisian Delights:

My first day in Paris started with a visit to my absolute favourite place on earth: the Palais Garnier! I mean, come on, how can you not fall in love with a building so magnificent? The ornate facade, the intricate carvings, the gold, the grandeur - it's literally a ballerina's dream!

I spent the morning wandering through the opulent corridors and soaking up the historical charm. They've got a magnifique exhibition showcasing the iconic costumes and set designs from the Phantom of the Opera, so naturally I had to take a peek! Imagine my excitement - seeing all those extravagant costumes made me yearn for a return to the stage, just so I could wear them myself!

And then, the moment I had been waiting for all week: The Paris Opera Ballet performance of "La Sylphide"! A beautiful classical ballet, a true love story between a mortal man and an ethereal sylph. This is a production I have wanted to see ever since I first fell in love with ballet. It was simply breathtaking. I shed a few happy tears – not sure if it was the beauty of the dancing or the delicious scent of lavender they had burning in the theatre!

But you know, darling, a ballerina has to eat, so after the ballet it was straight to one of the most charming bistros in Montmartre - Le Lapin Agile. Imagine the cutest little cobbled courtyard, twinkling fairy lights, the sweet aroma of crêpes and red wine... You feel as though you have stepped back into a romantic painting. And of course, my pink tutu made an appearance at the restaurant too! They simply loved it there. In fact, the manager told me I looked absolutely divine.

A Parisian Treat:

My afternoon started in one of the world’s most gorgeous boutiques: Dior on Avenue Montaigne. I am obsessed with their pieces - I dream of owning a piece or two! Sadly, my wallet was not quite ready for this level of indulgence, but my heart certainly was!

Dior’s elegant window displays caught my eye. This season they’re focusing on bold and vibrant colors, the use of sumptuous fabrics and intricate detailing… Absolutely divine, it was hard to tear myself away! But I'll be back to splurge sometime!

Ballet Class:

After an afternoon of fashion and indulgence, I was feeling a bit restless, so what does a tutu-wearing ballerina do when feeling restless in Paris? You guessed it – hit up an evening ballet class! It felt so wonderful to get back to the barre! I was feeling a bit stiff after all the travelling and the champagne, so some stretching and technique work was the perfect remedy.

And can we just talk about this amazing studio? They had this incredible vaulted ceiling and huge windows overlooking the Eiffel Tower… just incredible! We ended the class with some tour work, twirling through the studio like I was dancing through the heart of Paris, the iconic Tower twinkling above. You know, I'm so happy that ballet is a worldwide language, because everywhere I travel, I find a way to connect with other dancers and feel at home!

Parisian Sunset

For my final Parisian touch, I wanted something absolutely enchanting, something truly unforgettable. The only answer? The iconic Eiffel Tower, bathed in the golden glow of a Parisian sunset. It’s truly one of the most romantic places in the entire world! I climbed to the top, the wind in my hair, the city lights twinkling beneath me. This is truly a city that makes me feel so inspired, so creative! It’s a city for dreamers, for adventurers, for lovers of beauty in all its forms!

And then, as I sat there watching the stars appear, I knew one thing for sure - this was only the beginning of my Parisian adventures. I have so much more to see and do in this incredible city, and I can't wait to share it all with you, darlings.

Stay tuned for more adventures on my next blog post next week. You can join my pink tutu journey every Saturday here on As for now, I'll leave you with a little dose of Parisian inspiration…

“Paris, a city where all things are possible, if only you're audacious enough to dream them."


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-13 Exploring Paris