Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-09-17 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post 612 - Whirlwind in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amies!

It’s Saturday again, and that can only mean one thing - time for another Pink Tutu Paris adventure! This week, I’ve been utterly enchanted by the magic of the City of Lights. Honestly, you just can’t beat that Parisian je ne sais quoi. Every corner seems to be filled with history, charm, and a touch of that inimitable Parisian chic. I practically twirled my way through the streets - and yes, my darling Pink Tutu was absolutely essential for the occasion!

Speaking of twirling, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu blog post without a little chat about ballet, right? Well, let me tell you, this city is simply bursting with dance. The elegance and beauty of it all is intoxicating. I simply had to treat myself to a show, and luckily I landed tickets to see “La Bayadère” at the Palais Garnier. I mean, just saying the name, it practically takes you to another time and place, doesn’t it? And it’s even better than you could ever imagine! The music, the costumes, the pure talent on stage - it all had me mesmerised for the entire performance.

After all that mesmerising dancing, I was simply bursting with inspiration. There was no stopping me from exploring the amazing Parisian fashion scene. It’s hard not to feel like you’ve stepped into a fashion magazine in this city, and believe me, I embraced every moment of it. First stop: The Marais district, of course. I must admit, it’s a pretty strong contender for my favourite Parisian spot. The vintage boutiques, the designer stores, the charming cafes - what’s not to love?

Then it was time for a little Parisian indulgence – a delicate macaron at Ladurée! Oh my goodness, the flavours and colours were just heavenly. They're practically little works of art in themselves. And then I wandered through the beautiful Tuileries Garden – what a breathtaking spot to indulge in my favourite pink delights!

Now, before we get to my sartorial delights (which, I promise, will be truly impressive), let's rewind back to my journey here. I had to take the EuroStar for this Parisian escapade, and honestly, I have to say, what a magical way to travel. There’s nothing like that feeling of travelling by train, and in the luxurious confines of the EuroStar, I felt utterly glamorous. It felt just like I’d stepped out of a vintage travel poster.

Speaking of travel, one of the things I absolutely adore about this Parisian adventure was the feeling of freedom. I left the familiar streets of my Derbyshire home and dived headfirst into a whirlwind of culture and inspiration. Paris is one of those cities that truly feels like it's brimming with exciting possibilities. It feels like the city whispers secrets and dreams just waiting to be uncovered. I'm pretty sure I picked up some of that Parisian magic.

But speaking of Derbyshire, you know how I am, always trying to inject a little bit of Pink Tutu into every experience. And my Derbyshire pride was certainly with me throughout my adventures. I felt like the very essence of Derbyshire countryside chic - with a touch of Parisienne glam. Oh, it’s hard to explain, you just have to live it.

This trip was made all the more magical, you see, thanks to the grace and joy of my ballet performances back home. All those years of practice and hard work really paid off! It’s truly fulfilling to see all that effort pay off and be able to use it to fuel these amazing travels. That feeling, my dearest blog readers, is truly indescribable.

Oh, and remember, my weekly post for goes live every Saturday. Don’t forget to subscribe to the website, and get those Pink Tutues ready because it's always an adventure here!

Alright, darlings, enough of the chit chat - it's time to indulge in a little Parisian fashion fix! Let's talk Pink Tutues!

This week, it was all about embracing that timeless Parisian elegance, with a splash of my signature Pink Tutu flair.

As I strolled through the elegant boulevards, my darling pink tutu felt right at home amidst the intricate stonework and iconic cafes. It was just the perfect dose of whimsical charm. This time I decided to wear it as an overskirt with a little black dress. And yes, it was utterly perfect. The black was so sleek, the tulle so fluffy, and the whole effect… oh my, I couldn't be happier. Of course, I made sure to accessorize appropriately! A touch of red lipstick for a bold pop of colour. Some darling pearl earrings because you can’t be too chic in Paris. And the finishing touch? A stylish fedora hat – for that perfect Parisian air of mystery. I know what you’re thinking: how perfect are those Parisian streets for posing in a pink tutu? Honestly, they were absolutely made for it.

Now, here’s something fun: remember all that talk about spreading the pink tutu love? It wasn't just talk. Let’s be honest, there’s no better city to find fashion inspiration than Paris! And as I strutted through the chic Parisian streets, guess what I saw? Yep, you guessed it! Another pink tutu-wearing lady! Seriously, talk about twinning! I just had to snap a photo - how could I resist? This lady was looking like a total rockstar, in her pink tutu with a leather jacket and black ankle boots. Honestly, she could teach me a thing or two! We exchanged smiles, we nodded heads, and it felt like a secret club formed in the heart of Paris! And it's a club that's open to anyone and everyone! It’s a club that celebrates self-expression, joy, and the magic of a pink tutu.

Of course, no Paris trip would be complete without a delicious cup of coffee and a pastry. Oh, the croissant in Paris is simply divine - they truly know their stuff! And what could be better than enjoying a delightful breakfast while catching up with all the news from back home?

But honestly, it feels so good to be away from home for a while. I feel re-energized and re-inspired. Soaking up the French culture - oh, I just adore the French language, the French cuisine, and everything about the way of life in Paris. It just makes me feel alive. I don’t know, maybe I even absorbed some Parisian confidence along the way, because I’m definitely feeling bold, daring and inspired. It’s all part of embracing that wonderful, adventurous side of me.

As I said before, this city is simply brimming with possibility. It's a city that encourages you to dream big, explore new avenues, and find your own unique expression. And with all those pink tutus flying around, who knows? Maybe, just maybe, we’ll start seeing more of them back home too.

So, there you have it, my darlings. Another Parisian escapade for the Pink Tutu chronicles. A whirlwind of culture, dance, fashion, and a whole lot of pink tutus! What could be better?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a new adventure waiting in the wings. You see, Paris never disappoints, and I wouldn’t want to miss out on all the amazing experiences that this magical city has to offer.

Until next week, Lots of love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-09-17 Exploring Paris