Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-02-25 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #635: Ooh La La, Paris!

Bonjour mes chĂ©ris! It’s Saturday, 25th February 2012 and, Paris, I’m finally here! The City of Lights has always been on my travel wish list, and after months of planning, saving, and performing, the moment is finally here! It’s been an exciting whirlwind journey. My EuroStar ticket, the only travel companion worthy of my fabulous pink tutu (this time it’s a pale blush, to match the dreamy Parisian streets!), was booked weeks ago and my heart has been bouncing like a ballerina's first arabesque ever since.

This post, dear readers, is dedicated to all the dreamers out there, who yearn to see the world in pink
and perhaps a sprinkle of glitter, too. Because this journey is more than just a trip to the City of Love, it’s about embracing that joie de vivre and letting the magic of Paris weave its way into your very soul.

And what better way to kick off this Parisian adventure than with a story? You see, this journey, it all started with a ballet. Just a few months ago, I found myself standing backstage at the Buxton Opera House in my favourite pink tutu, preparing for a performance. It wasn't just any show, it was a charity event to support a young ballet dancer's dream to study at the world-renowned Paris Opera Ballet School. The atmosphere was electric, with anticipation buzzing like a hive of honey bees. And that night, after a performance that left the audience spellbound, I found myself with a beautiful handwritten note in my tutu pocket, "A ballerina's dream starts with a leap of faith." It was signed "Sophie."

And in that moment, it felt like Paris had reached out and touched my soul. A seed was sown, a tiny pink flower of inspiration began to bloom. The seed became a plan, the plan became a ticket, and here I am!

And trust me, darlings, the Parisian magic has begun. The moment I stepped onto the Gare du Nord platform, I felt a shiver of excitement run down my spine. My ears were filled with the sound of chattering French, the scent of warm croissants mingled with fresh Parisian air. And even though it was the middle of winter, the sunshine kissed my cheek like a secret, whispered promise.

My first day was a blur of pink and delight:

  • Boulevard Haussmann: My hotel is right on the boulevard, with its grand old buildings and stunning architecture. I spent the morning wandering through the elegant shops, breathing in the Parisian vibe. A splash of crimson on the window display of a boulangerie stopped me dead in my tracks, with croissants shaped into ballerinas - such clever artistry! The pastries looked delicious, and my little Parisian tummy knew it would be having a sugar-laden picnic on the Seine.

  • SacrĂ©-Coeur Basilica: Climbing those steps! It was a bit of a workout, I won't lie, but the view from the top was absolutely breath-taking. Seeing Paris sprawled out beneath me, a kaleidoscope of colours bathed in a warm golden glow, reminded me of the grandeur of a ballet stage, and the view reminded me why we, as ballerinas, leap, and twirl, and inspire others to chase their own dreams, even if they require climbing many steps to get there.

  • L'Atelier des Tutus: The very thought of a studio devoted to all things tutu set my heart fluttering faster than a grand jetĂ©. From hand-crafted tutus, to vintage beauties, every inch of this studio is a ballerina’s dream! The lovely owner, Madame Dupont, treated me like a Parisian princess, and her creations were truly breathtaking. I emerged with a pink tutu with a dash of black satin and a sprinkling of sequins - my perfect Parisian souvenir.

And finally, as the Parisian sky began to transform into a deep indigo, it was time to make my way to the Theatre des Champs-Elysees. This is where it gets truly exciting... I was going to see “La Bayadùre”! One of my absolute favourite ballets!

You see, being a ballet dancer isn't just about swirling tulle and fancy footwork, it’s a passion that burns inside me, and nothing brings me greater joy than sharing that love with the world. The theatre was aglow, radiating that magical Parisian je ne sais quoi, and inside, a symphony of talent filled the air. The graceful movements, the soaring jumps, and the expressive faces were spellbinding. The powerful music swirled around me, filling every corner of my soul with a deeply moving ballet symphony.

Later that evening, I took a leisurely stroll back through the City of Lights, the Seine reflecting the glow of the twinkling city. Even though I only arrived today, I can already feel Paris taking hold of me, like the gentle embrace of a cherished ballerina partner, as if my dreams were already beginning to bloom.

Tomorrow’s another day full of ballet fun. You see, Paris isn’t just a fashion paradise and a foodie heaven, it's a city where the art of movement takes centre stage. I'm looking forward to discovering some incredible ballet schools and perhaps joining in for a few classes, to feel the music coursing through my veins, the steps in my toes, and the dance in my heart.

But for now, au revoir and until next Saturday !

* #pinktutublogparis #balletlover #parisianadventures #pinkskies #dreamer #tutusfortheworld *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-02-25 Exploring Paris