Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-06-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 653: Ooh La La, Paris!

Bonjour, mes chéries!

It's Saturday, which means it's time for a new Paris post from your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger! I'm back in the City of Lights, and this time I've decided to explore Paris in style, the way only a pink tutu-wearing ballerina could!

So, you know I absolutely love to travel by train. It's just so much more chic than flying, especially when you're wearing a stunning pink tulle masterpiece. My journey from Derbyshire on the EuroStar was positively dreamy! All aboard for a world of imagination! I may or may not have started a mini impromptu ballet performance in the carriage for the other passengers – just a little bit of joy for the weekend. It’s always wonderful to inspire other people, maybe some of them are soon to be tutu-wearing ballerinas, wouldn’t that be fab?

And when the Eurostar pulled into the Gare du Nord, it was as if a fairytale had unfolded. Paris is truly the most magical place in the world. So, where do you start exploring? You start where a ballet-obsessed girl starts – at the Opéra Garnier!

The Grand Opéra Garnier

Now, I'm a huge ballet buff, as you know. Every opportunity to see a show or class is just the most thrilling experience for me! I practically ran across the street, twirling and hopping with excitement to get to this architectural wonder of a building.

The Opera Garnier, a vision of marble and grandiosity, just screamed elegance. Stepping inside, I felt as if I had entered a grand ballet set – golden staircases, painted ceilings with ornate detail, and a dazzling chandelier sparkling above. It was breathtaking, I even tried to hold my pose in the grand hallway! It would be wonderful to visit the Paris Opéra Garnier during the day but the beauty and grandeur of the venue is quite frankly more impressive when there is a ballet show on. It truly transports you into the performance.

And while I was there, what better to do than to visit the boutique inside the Opera Garnier?! So, naturally, I purchased a little something for my pink tutu collection – a fabulous new hair ribbon with a sequined butterfly on it. Because every ballerina knows that accessories make the outfit!

Paris Street Style

With a new ribbon in tow, I took to the Parisian streets, and the most fascinating thing is the Parisian style. Oh my goodness! Fashionistas in bold colours and exquisite tailored jackets strutting past cafes, tutus worn as street fashion! Paris is really a ballet-loving city! The Parisians seem to know how to make their fashion just as captivating as the dance itself! The whole street was like a glamorous stage – I loved it!

And the best thing is that Parisians seem to enjoy being observed, admired, and, dare I say, photographed! I spent hours soaking it all up, snapping photos of these stylish wonders in my best ballerina pose – hand on hip, head held high. The locals couldn’t get enough! It's all in the attitude!

Shopping Spree at Printemps Haussmann

Later, I was feeling truly inspired and found myself walking down a grand avenue called "Boulevard Haussmann" – where else to go but the beautiful Printemps department store.

Now, for you lovely ladies out there, Printemps is basically a shopper's paradise. Imagine rows upon rows of shoes, bags, dresses, scarves, all those amazing frilly accessories I just love to buy – heaven, pure heaven! And of course, they had the most beautiful pink tulle – you have to find what you love and, more importantly, make it your own. The sales assistants all loved my pink tutu, even getting selfies with me. So I added to my collection, how could I resist?

A few purchases, and a new wardrobe for my new favourite pink tutu later, I was ready for some more cultural immersion! It seems like Paris is really a ballet haven, there’s something for everyone! I was thinking this would be a wonderful spot for a ballerina convention! Imagine a pink tutu and sparkly shoed world all together! My dream, haha!

Montmartre Magic

Feeling all the Parisian charm around me, I hopped on the Metro (my tutu definitely caused a bit of a stir!) to explore Montmartre, Paris' famous artist's quarter. This bohemian area felt like another world altogether! Charming cobblestone streets, charming street artists sketching portraits, artists selling their creations, it was a feast for the eyes! The famous white-domed basilica at the top of the hill overlooking Paris – I was charmed from start to finish!

You can’t go to Montmartre without stopping for lunch at one of the little charming cafes. It truly was such a treat. Of course, I made sure my outfit matched the magical mood. You see, it’s all in the details! And a beautiful ballerina dress just happened to be my inspiration for the day – so simple, elegant and airy! My shoes were also sparkly. It truly just works when you match your mood to your attire, that’s the secret of being a tutu-wearing ballerina.

I found myself twirling with the street musicians, mesmerized by their melodies and my very own little world of enchantment. Now, how many girls get to twirl with strangers in the heart of Paris?! Truly a special memory!

And to top off the evening, the view from the top of Montmartre – overlooking the dazzling cityscape with its twinkling lights - it was like stepping into a fairy tale! What a magical city Paris is – the magic is simply palpable. It's something to see, you have to experience this yourself. And of course, to fully enjoy your time in Paris, one must go to the Moulin Rouge!

A Parisian Can-Can Dream

Paris wouldn't be Paris without a dose of cabaret magic! I made my way to the infamous Moulin Rouge, adorned in a fabulous feathered pink tutu – I'm pretty sure my dress alone made some hearts skip a beat! The energy, the lights, the music, the incredible dancers… wow! It was all so captivating! I love to see how ballet and the cabaret come together.

Even if you’re not a dancer yourself, there is just something magical and so impressive about the whole cabaret show – and the show was a spectacle to remember. A sea of sequined costumes, glittering lights, dazzling feathers… and of course, the iconic Moulin Rouge can-can!

As the performers twirled, kicked, and pranced around the stage, I couldn't help but be swept up in the excitement – a bit of can-can action here and there doesn’t hurt – it’s always lovely to dance with new people and of course my amazing tutu, she made an excellent first impression. The can-can performers really were inspiring – they seemed so effortlessly energetic and full of life, I hope I can get a bit of their magic. I may even practice some new moves this week.

But as always, the evening finished off with a bit of a dreamy moment. The way the dancers would twirl – you could tell that they truly loved what they do – a truly special moment! After a visit to the Moulin Rouge, there's truly nothing left to say other than - Paris has just that magic!

Pink Tutu's Parisian Inspiration

And so, Paris, my dear, you never cease to amaze. With every trip, I come away filled with inspiration for new tutus, new designs, and most of all, for embracing the world with the same kind of passion and creativity that Paris embodies. It just truly ignites something in me, I can’t wait to get back into my studio and just get moving!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I've got a very special surprise in store for you next week! I've been working on something extraordinary for you all. I just know it’ll look so fabulous in a pink tutu – I can’t say more at the moment, so stay tuned, darling readers!

Until next time, I bid you adieu. Don’t forget to check out! Remember, darling, spread the pink tutu love! I promise it will change your life, just a bit, for the better!

Xx Emma,

(Your Pink Tutu Blogger)

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-06-30 Exploring Paris