Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-11-03 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #671 🩰🗼

Bonjour, darlings! It's Saturday, the 3rd of November 2012, and your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina is finally in Paris! Squeal!

After a whirlwind week performing Swan Lake with the Derbyshire Ballet (a record-breaking four performances!), I managed to sneak in a quick EuroStar to Paris - that dreamy, Parisian-chic way to travel just makes me want to twirl all the way to the Gare du Nord! Speaking of twirling, can you imagine the chaos at the station if everyone just started dancing?! It would be glorious. 😉

Right now, I'm snuggled in a lovely little hotel near the Marais with its cute cobbled streets and little cafes spilling onto the pavements. It's practically begging to be explored in a pink tutu! And guess what, my loves? It will be.

I can't wait to tell you about this glorious weekend. From exploring the Louvre's treasures to watching the spectacular spectacle of the Crazy Horse, it's been pure magic. But before we get lost in the whirl of Parisian adventure, let's chat about the journey here.

The Dreamy Eurostar Journey

If you're a girl with a penchant for pink (and honestly, who isn't? 💕 ), then a journey on the EuroStar is a must. Everything just feels a little bit special - the red carpets, the plush seats, the elegant service! Even the announcement in a posh English accent makes you feel like you're a character in a fairytale. I mean, "Next stop, Paris!" doesn't sound nearly as exciting coming from a disembodied robot voice in a station, does it?

There's a reason why the EuroStar has become the romantic way to travel from London to Paris - it's about embracing a refined travel experience that takes you right back to a bygone era.

Paris, I'm Home (For Now)!

We’ve reached my temporary Parisian abode - a tiny, beautiful hotel with a charming little cafe downstairs and a very pink floral wallpaper (obvs! 😍 ). Let me just say, everything looks better in pink. Especially cobblestones! It just adds a touch of sweetness to the otherwise imposing city!

And now, dear reader, the adventures truly begin...

Friday's Adventures

Friday evening started with a decadent treat - strolling through the Marais, admiring the vintage boutiques, and finally, discovering the perfect Parisian cafe! I knew the perfect tutu for this occasion, with its delicate lace and fluffy pink tulle. I swear, this pink tutu was born for Paris!

It's funny, but even the simple things feel more magical in Paris. Like, finding the best croque monsieur in town felt like a romantic quest. It wasn’t even the fanciest place - but they made it with such heart, I was practically floating on cloud nine as I savoured each bite.

And because I am me, and you know me so well by now, it goes without saying, the afternoon ended with an exquisite ballet performance! A modern interpretation of Swan Lake that brought out every emotion - sadness, joy, triumph! I think my heart is still soaring! 🦢

The Magic of The Louvre

Today was the day for culture, darlings! I headed to the Louvre, dressed in a sparkly pink tutu, feeling like a true Parisian ballerina! I’ve always dreamed of being surrounded by art, and this museum simply exceeded expectations. There were so many iconic pieces that I could have spent hours in front of each one - Leonardo's Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and so many others. The sheer size and beauty of it all left me speechless.

A Little Parisian Shopping

I’ve never found a city that caters so well to the pink tutu lifestyle like Paris! It was so hard to resist all the stunningly chic fashion! Luckily, I brought my credit card and a whole lot of shopping spirit!

Think Parisian elegance with a hint of ballerina sparkle, and that's how I felt going from one boutique to the next. My new silk scarf with the most adorable Eiffel Tower print? Essential! Those delicate ballerina-style flats that look oh-so-sweet in pale pink? A must-have! And that exquisite lace shawl that looks perfectly feminine when draped over a tutu? Obsessed!

By the time I had left the stores, my arms were aching with shopping bags, and my heart was skipping a beat with happiness! Oh, Paris, you’re truly the city of dreams.

Dinner at Le Tout-Paris

The highlight of the day was dinner at "Le Tout-Paris" - one of those incredibly glamorous places you’ve seen on Instagram forever. The lighting was dim, the atmosphere electric, and I was actually awkwardly nervous, despite knowing it's just dinner. (And you know how much I love to eat!)

I slipped on my little pink tutu - I mean, if I'm going to go fancy, it's with a bit of sparkle, right? - and the moment I walked in, a few people stopped and stared! Honestly, a bit of attention doesn’t hurt. 😉

The food was exquisite, from the escargots to the decadent dessert! And it wasn't even the food that made it so was the feeling. The music was jazzy, the people were sophisticated, and everyone seemed to be completely immersed in their own Parisian bubble of magic.

Parisian Dreams

You know, this weekend has been so amazing I don't want it to end. There's something magical about this city that makes even the smallest detail feel exciting and important. Every street corner, every croissant, every beautiful boutique is like a tiny masterpiece that begs you to experience it with your senses. Paris is definitely in my top 3 places in the world - probably because it always inspires me to wear a tutu with extra confidence.

Of course, nothing compares to the pure joy of wearing a pink tutu while exploring this magical city! Just imagine the endless possibilities. Pink tutu and croissants? Perfect! Pink tutu and Eiffel Tower photos? Perfection! Pink tutu at the Louvre? Why, it's like a fairytale!

Don't forget to come back next week for more Parisian adventures! Until then, embrace the pink! 💖

Xoxo, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-11-03 Exploring Paris