Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-10-27 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 670: Parisian Dreams in Pink!

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday, the 27th of October 2012, and Emma's back in Paris, the City of Lights, and let me tell you, my tutu is twirling with excitement! I just had to visit Paris again this autumn - the crisp air, the vibrant colours, the iconic Parisian style, it all makes my heart sing! And speaking of hearts, mine just about burst when I hopped off the EuroStar, fresh from my little ballet performance in Derbyshire, and inhaled that Parisian air!

This week, I've been making the most of every Parisian moment, exploring, indulging, and of course, twirling my tutu with glee. And it all began with a delightful walk along the Seine. The autumn colours, the quaint bridges, the boats lazily drifting along... sigh It truly is a dream.

Ballet in the City of Lights

Now, any ballet-loving Parisian knows that October is a glorious time for shows. There are performances of all kinds, from the grandest ballets at the Opéra Garnier to intimate theatre pieces. On Thursday, I spent a beautiful afternoon at the Palais Garnier - a real Parisian treat, even if I wasn't lucky enough to nab a ticket for the show that night. But just breathing in the air of this magnificent theatre, admiring the ornate architecture, imagining the ballerinas swirling on stage - that's the magic of Paris.

After a wonderful show the next evening at the Théâtre du Châtelet - a delightful contemporary ballet featuring, you guessed it, a lot of pink! - I found myself at the legendary École de Danse de Paris. This iconic school has trained some of the world's greatest dancers and I could almost hear the delicate click of tap shoes echoing in the hallowed halls, even if my own pirouette wasn't as perfect! I just love how ballet transcends language and cultures; a universal language of beauty, grace, and strength.

Parisian Style: Fashion for a Pink Tutu-er

But no trip to Paris would be complete without a healthy dose of shopping! And this time, my heart is set on Parisian elegance - a blend of classic silhouettes with modern flair. Picture sleek, classic dresses in soft greys, rich blacks, and vibrant reds - just waiting for a splash of pink tulle! Oh, the outfits I can envision, dear friends!

This weekend, I've been venturing down the Champs-Élysées, exploring boutiques filled with elegant scarves, intricately woven wool coats, and delicate Parisian lace - my inspiration is truly blossoming! It’s not all about high fashion though. The markets here in Paris are brimming with Parisian charm. I'm absolutely in love with a tiny vintage jewellery shop tucked away in the Latin Quarter. They have these beautiful antique brooches, sparkling with crystals and beads, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any outfit. I mean, how could a girl like me, who adores tutus and sparkle, resist a touch of vintage Parisian chic?!

Parisian Delights: Café Culture and Sweet Treats

Let's be honest, there's more to Paris than tutus and theatre. There's the food, the atmosphere, the je ne sais quoi that makes Paris the ultimate romantic city! On Wednesday, I sat at a quaint Parisian café, tucked away on a cobblestone street. The scent of coffee and fresh croissants wafted through the air, the sun dappled through the trees, and I felt incredibly content. The Parisians know how to live, how to take their time, and how to savour each moment - a life lesson for us all!

Now, I may love pink tutus, but every ballerina knows the importance of fueling our bodies! And in Paris, there’s a delicious array of indulgences, especially sweet treats! This weekend, I found myself mesmerized by the rows of decadent pastries at Ladurée, those delicately crafted macarons that just seem to melt in your mouth. Who could resist such vibrant, jewel-toned temptations? They’re pretty enough to match my pink tutu, even if they are just a touch too decadent to eat on a daily basis!

A Parisian Dream

This city is full of wonder, my darlings! I’m soaking up the beauty of its ancient streets, marveling at the art, getting lost in the bustling Parisian energy and simply embracing the romance of it all. Even when I'm rushing to catch the train back to Derbyshire to prepare for my next performance, I'll still have a touch of Parisian charm clinging to my tutu.

It’s my aim, you know, to make the world a more tutu-tastic place! And there's something truly special about twirling in a pink tutu in a city like Paris, a place where elegance, style, and creativity bloom in every corner.

Until next Saturday, au revoir! And don’t forget, every day is a reason to wear pink!

Stay fabulous,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-10-27 Exploring Paris