Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-10-20 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #669)

Saturday 20th October 2012

Bonjour mes chéries! It's your girl Emma, the Pink Tutu Ballerina, landing back in Paris for another fabulous week of adventures. Can you believe it's already autumn? The air is crisper, the leaves are changing colour, and the smell of warm bread and pastries fills the streets… it's almost magical!

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of joining me in this stunning city before, let me just say – Paris is like a fairytale! Imagine cobblestone streets, grand architecture, and cafes spilling out onto the sidewalks with Parisian women looking absolutely chic in their perfectly tailored outfits, holding their lattes with a flourish. Add in the twinkle of lights on the Seine River, a million bookstores brimming with literary gems, and the magic of a ballet performance at the Palais Garnier… that's Paris in a nutshell.

This week I took the EuroStar across the Channel - you can’t beat a train journey to really soak in the countryside before arriving in a city like Paris, it really adds to the adventure! I’ve even brought along a special new tutu just for this trip - a shimmering silver number that catches the light like a million tiny stars. Just imagine, me, waltzing through the Gare du Nord with my pink suitcase, silver tutu billowing, and a huge grin plastered on my face, all while dodging excited French tourists!

So, let's jump into this Parisian escapade, shall we? I've got so much to share, from delightful Parisian delights to a fashion fix I couldn't resist, plus a sneak peek at the incredible show I saw at the Opera. Let's get started!

The Parisian Day Out:

The first stop for every Parisian escapade, naturally, has to be a croissant at a local boulangerie! And I wasn’t disappointed – the crisp flaky texture and the hint of butter... divine! You can’t go wrong with Parisian bread. You know how much I love my bread – I love bread as much as I love ballet – I am sure there’s a metaphor for life there, somewhere!

I’ve been to Paris many times and I’m still discovering hidden gems. Today, I explored the lovely streets of Montmartre, perched on a hill overlooking the city. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica is an impressive sight – the white, marble building and its dome shimmering in the afternoon sun, overlooking the sprawling Parisian landscape. I even stopped to listen to some buskers playing lively French chansons – the melodies drifting on the air, a truly charming moment!

Afterwards, I wandered through the narrow streets of Montmartre, passing charming shops, bustling art galleries, and tiny cafés tucked into cozy corners. Each nook and cranny whispered its own story.

One shop that caught my eye was this vintage fashion store crammed with colourful and vibrant clothes, stacks of vintage hats, gloves, and jewellery – every piece an eye-catching treasure. After trying on a few outfits – think a scarlet red vintage dress, and a dazzling gold sequined top - I finally landed on the perfect Parisian souvenir for my wardrobe: a stunning, scarlet, vintage velvet bolero with sparkling silver buttons. A timeless classic, perfect for layering over a dress or pairing with a simple shirt. It’s going to look perfect with my pink tutu!

Back to My Ballet Roots:

Later that day, I had the privilege of attending a stunning ballet performance at the magnificent Palais Garnier. The grandeur of this historical building – its rich crimson and gold décor, ornate chandeliers and lavish balconies – is simply breathtaking. It transported me back in time. I felt like I'd stepped into a ballet dream!

The show itself, “Swan Lake,” was magnificent. I was spellbound by the fluidity of the dancers' movements, the haunting music, the drama of the story - a masterpiece in motion! The elegance of the ballerina's movements – each graceful step a symphony of movement – was captivating, inspiring and motivating!

The stage felt as if it was floating, and the dancers danced as if on clouds, effortlessly elegant and refined. It truly is an amazing art form – a visual language without words – so evocative, and utterly mesmerising.

I love ballet! You could probably see me sitting on the edge of my seat with my chin tilted and mouth agape, lost in the performance. For someone who lives for tutus, this experience was simply magical!

Parisian Shopping Extravaganza

My time in Paris, always includes some fabulous shopping – that’s what a girl who loves pink and sparkles does, right? The city is simply a treasure trove of exquisite boutiques, independent designers, and elegant department stores. You’ll see me walking past shops like a child in a sweet shop!

On my most recent escapade, I visited the famed Printemps and Galeries Lafayette. They are like a department store but on steroids – the shopping here is on another level!

Each level is like a different fairytale! I’m talking breathtakingly ornate ceilings with mosaics, marble staircases with chandeliers sparkling like stars, a luxurious air everywhere you go, and exquisite window displays – this is Parisian shopping! I managed to escape with only a beautiful pink lace scarf, a delicate pearl necklace – to pair with a tutu, of course – and a gorgeous pair of elegant rose gold ballerina flats.

I’m back on my quest to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu! It's always been a personal goal to make the world a more beautiful, playful, and joyous place, one tutu at a time! And in Paris, the fashionistas really appreciate it – I mean, you see every color, style and flavour of fashion around here. I have even spotted tutus worn out and about! So, you see – there’s a big Pink Tutu tribe out there.

Final Thoughts

As the sun dips below the horizon, and the city lights start to twinkle, I take a moment to reflect on this whirlwind day. I love discovering hidden Parisian corners, exploring cobblestone streets, getting lost in art and fashion, and of course, a ballet performance at the Palais Garnier is the cherry on the cake!

This trip is filled with beauty, fashion, inspiration, and moments that take me back to the very reasons I wear a tutu. I've embraced Parisian life and even incorporated a new item to my growing pink and tulle wardrobe – all whilst inspiring others to wear a tutu!

That's all for today, but I have much more to share! Make sure you check back in next Saturday, when I’ll be back with more Parisian adventures!

Au revoir,


The Pink Tutu Ballerina

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-10-20 Exploring Paris