Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-02-23 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post 687 - A Pink-tastic Parisian Adventure!

Saturday, 23rd February, 2013

Bonjour, mes chéries!

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet! I'm so excited to be back in Paris, the city of love, the city of fashion, the city that inspires me to twirl! It feels so good to be back in this beautiful place. My last visit was back in October for a week-long whirlwind of fashion shows and delicious pastries, and I already knew I'd be back soon!

This time, however, I'm here for a longer stay. I'll be in the City of Lights for two weeks, and I'm determined to soak it all up! My darling friend and fellow tutu enthusiast, Beatrice, will be joining me for the first week - she's promised to model my new collection for my YouTube channel, and we've already got a few location ideas in mind (more on that later!)

Oh, and guess how I got here? That's right, I took the EuroStar! It's the most glamorous way to travel, especially when you're wearing a tutu (though you might have to wear a coat over the top to avoid causing a scene!). It felt so luxurious, gazing out the window at the beautiful countryside zipping past, and feeling the comforting lull of the train as I drifted into daydreams about the adventures that awaited me in Paris.

I had to be on the first train out this morning! You know I never miss a Saturday post on Pink Tutu! I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to posting schedule – it's important to me to keep my blog consistent and exciting for you, my lovely followers. Every Saturday, I want to bring you a taste of the pink-tastic adventures that are filling my life – and today's Parisian treat is just the beginning!

A Ballet-filled First Night

After settling into my charming hotel room – a little boudoir complete with a vintage writing desk, a plush armchair and a gorgeous chandelier that I almost swore could do a pirouette - I dashed to the Opera Garnier! Oh, my goodness, the Opera Garnier is just breath-taking! A symphony of exquisite design, opulent details, and grandeur that quite frankly had me breathless!

It was a very special performance tonight – the ballet program included “The Sleeping Beauty”. My eyes twinkled with glee when the curtain rose and the stage revealed the beautiful set, painted with delicate flowers and vibrant trees. I can’t describe the feeling when the dancers glided onto the stage! I think I shed a little tear as they pirouetted and arabesqued with the elegance and grace I strive for myself.

The stage lighting transformed the stage into an ethereal wonderland, every shade of pink, lavender, and golden light creating the perfect mood for this classic ballet. Of course, no night at the Opera is complete without a visit to the beautiful café! I felt very much at home in the Parisian grandeur, nibbling on dainty macarons with Beatrice and a glass of delicious wine (the adults-only part of the evening). It felt so good to finally relax, surrounded by such beauty and wonderful friends.

My Paris Fashion Agenda

Speaking of Beatrice, my friend arrived a few days ago to explore the city with me. It was so exciting to welcome her and we wasted no time catching up on everything that’s been happening in our lives since last we saw each other. You'd think after a while we'd get tired of the gossip, but nope, the girly chatter just keeps on flowing! I swear our brains were full of fashion inspiration and giggle-inducing moments even before our first Parisian latte.

We are here, of course, to indulge in the best things about Paris: fashion! My friend and I are like two excited magpies drawn to a glittering treasure chest when it comes to shopping. Oh, I can't wait to show you my finds. I've already spotted a stunning pink hat in a charming vintage store in the Marais - Beatrice reckons it screams “French chic”! And let me tell you, she has an eye for style! Beatrice found me a perfect black beret for our Instagram photo shoot in front of the Eiffel Tower! Now, I have a picture of my dream in Paris, in a beautiful beret with a fabulous backdrop!

Fashion Inspiration at its Finest

There are so many stylish shops in Paris, and it seems impossible to resist their charming displays and delicate fabrics. From the chic boutiques on Rue Saint-HonorĂ© to the vintage finds in the Marais, I am absolutely overwhelmed with inspiration! But the highlight for me was stumbling across the shop “Parisian Chic” on my favourite street: Rue de Seine! It was an explosion of colour and texture with so many fabulous and unusual vintage pieces! I just know there will be many fabulous tutus to be found there for my collection. I also discovered an amazing boutique just around the corner, called “La Mode Chic”, packed full of designer pieces – from handbags to shoes, each one a work of art!

Next Week's Adventures

I know what you're thinking! You just have to know where to find that incredible pink hat and what shoes I will pair with my Parisian wardrobe! But I'm saving the details for next week’s blog post.

So, dear readers, this is just the start of my Parisian adventure! I can’t wait to show you more. I'm excited to share the details of our fabulous shopping adventures, the exciting ballet performances and the beautiful photos with you next week.

Keep following my blog and remember to keep smiling!

Bisous, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-02-23 Exploring Paris