Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-03-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #689)

Bonjour, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, and this week I'm bringing you a little slice of Parisian magic from my latest adventures!

Remember how I promised you a whirlwind trip to Paris, filled with all things sparkly and magnifique? Well, buckle up your ballet shoes because this week's blog is a true celebration of the city of love – a place where romance and beauty intertwine with the rhythmic thrum of the ballet!

I've just stepped off the Eurostar after a dreamy journey through the countryside. There's something utterly charming about travelling by train, the way the world flashes by, leaving a trail of fleeting beauty in its wake. As the sleek carriage sped through France, I couldn't resist throwing on my favourite pink tutu, a vibrant, billowing cloud of tulle that seemed to whisper stories of ballerinas and grand ballrooms. It was just the thing to fuel my Parisian dreams.

This time in Paris is all about exploring, seeing some stunning shows, and of course, a little indulgence in some irresistible shopping sprees! After all, how could one visit Paris and resist a peek into the window displays of the chic boutiques, and a chance to discover those exquisite Parisian treasures?

I know many of you are keen to know about this weekend's ballet agenda. So, prepare yourselves for some truly magical moments!

This Saturday, the 9th of March, I'm stepping into the heart of Paris' ballet world with a delightful show at the beautiful Opéra Garnier, a place of sheer architectural wonder. The evening promises to be an exquisite spectacle of artistry, with delicate movements, soaring leaps, and music that sends chills down my spine. My trusty pink tutu is already packed, ready to shimmer under the stage lights, adding a touch of ballerina magic to the evening.

And speaking of pink tutus, you all know I have a dream to encourage the world to embrace a touch of ballerina-inspired glamour. Imagine a world where everyone is free to express themselves, to spin and leap into life, embracing the joy of colour and movement! It all begins with one pink tutu – who knows, maybe one day Paris will be awash in a pink tulle cloud, a testament to the magic of dreams and a little touch of ballerina magic.

Now, before the city of lights consumes me, let me fill you in on the finer details of my weekend. I’m excited to share my favourite moments with you all.


My morning started with a cup of strong coffee and buttery croissants at a little café tucked away on a charming side street. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the air, blending perfectly with the buttery scent of the freshly baked croissants, setting the tone for a delightful day ahead.

Of course, a trip to Paris is incomplete without a wander through the bustling markets, overflowing with colourful produce and exotic scents. My senses were truly alive, from the delicate scent of lavender to the bright colours of vibrant blooms and the ripe, sweet smell of berries bursting with summer's sunshine. It was a feast for the eyes and the nose, making every step an exploration of taste and delight.

As the day stretched towards evening, the thrill of the ballet show built, my anticipation simmering with each step I took towards the iconic Opera Garnier. The sheer grandeur of the building was a breathtaking sight, a timeless masterpiece standing proud amongst the Parisian streets. It was a place where history and beauty were entwined, the perfect setting for the magic to unfold.

And then, the curtain rose. The world dissolved into a realm of grace, power, and elegance as the dancers pirouetted across the stage, their every movement a poem of motion. I felt a thrill surge through me, my heart echoing the music's soaring crescendo, the dancers a beautiful tapestry of passion and grace woven into the very fabric of the performance. The night ended in a glorious applause, the air alive with the spirit of the ballet.


Sunday was a delightful blend of exploring and a dash of indulgent shopping. The weather was crisp and clear, with sunlight glinting off the grand buildings and the cobblestone streets shimmering beneath my ballerina flats. I started with a stroll through the beautiful Tuileries Garden, enjoying the peace and tranquillity.

As the day warmed up, I ventured into the charming boutiques, indulging in a little retail therapy. You see, Paris isn’t just a city of stunning sights, but a city that ignites your passion for style. The exquisite clothes, elegant accessories, and luxurious perfumes are simply irresistible. And I came home with more than a few delightful souvenirs for my wardrobe.

For dinner, I had the most delectable macarons I have ever tasted - oh, the creamy layers, the vibrant colours and the explosion of sweetness in every bite! It was a perfectly Parisian way to end the day.


Leaving Paris, I made sure I picked up some last-minute goodies for my pink tutu collection, which of course, included a lovely pastel pink berets! And if you're feeling a touch of Parisian chic, a berets is the perfect way to elevate your everyday outfit.

There’s so much to experience in Paris, so many stories to uncover. Every corner reveals a new chapter, each boutique a new adventure, each dance a step closer to discovering the heartbeat of this exquisite city.

Stay tuned next week as I continue my pink tutu adventures! I have even more Parisian magic in store, with more ballet shows, street performances and of course, the always fashionable finds I will be sharing.

Until then, let your hearts dance with joy, let your dreams soar and never be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina – or your own touch of pink tutu magic.

Lots of love,


(Don't forget to check out my blog at for weekly updates!)

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-03-09 Exploring Paris